Merry bloody Christmas eve

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(Nagisas pov)

I woke up suprisingly on my own. Then the door opened. Karma walked in with a towel on his head, and no shirt. He did have pants on though, so he was just walking around with his...sparkling abs out (😍)

"Oh, morning Nagi~" He said playfully closing the door and walking over to our luggage. I glanced at his scars on his back. Clean slashes, but they had healed messily.

I got out of bed and kissed them. Karmas face went a little red.

"Can I dry your hair?" I asked as he found a shirt.

"Mhm." He nodded as I went and sat on the bed. He sat on the floor and I started drying his hair.
"Hey so, I was actually thinking, why don't we go out tonight?"

"W-we can't. Mum and dad wouldn't be happy about that."

"Tell em we have a work party and Have to go."

"I guess that would work...but where are we actually going."

"Well, I actually have a really good job I made Yuma save for me."

"So that's how you've been killing people under watch. You haven't. "

"Yup. It's a real good job. Apparently this dudes obsessed with gambling, but someone wants him dead. Like ¥800000 dead."

"That's alot for a gambler."

"Yeah well, still alot of money right? Besides it's been a while since I've held a knife or a gun"

"Okay. We'll do that then. Then we could go to a hotel and check in for a phew hours...and ya know..." I blushed a little as I noticed Karma smirking at me.

"When did you get so sneaky Nagi~" He slithered up and started kissing my neck.

"Nng~" I moaned slightly.

Then I heard a cough calling our attention.

"Ahem!" And another one. That's when Karma stopped.

"Oh-- morning mum!" I said trying to posture myself.

"U-uhm m-morning Mrs. Shiota."

"Breakfast is ready." She said slightly annoyed.

We both got up and I quickly got changed before making our way into the dining room.

"Morning boys."

"Morning dad"
"Morning Mr. Shiota"

It was a pretty peaceful morning, until Karma over dramatised the fact that he couldn't find a piece of paper to play pictionary on. But everyone just laughed that of.

"Oh hey mum, me and Karma have to attend this work party tonight. It's mandatory."

"Oh, that sounds fun. What time will you be back? "

"I don't know. Depends how much time Karma spends at the chocolate fountain."

"He's a funny one isn't he?" My mum giggled slightly watching Karma and my dad talk.

"Eh, he's just got a good sense of humor. Part of his charm."

"Cant help but think he's scared of your father..." The gestured to all the sweat and awkward face he was making.

"Oh that, yeah he's scared dad's going to shoot him." I laughed a little.

I was helping my mum prepare early Christmas dinner. And karma and dad were-- well I wasn't sure, they were just talking, and I was curious.

The Assassins Code. [ Karmagisa ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora