Can I buy you a drink?

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I try to update as much as I can but life is...well life. So here's the next part.

(Nagisas Pov)

As I walked through the bar, I couldn't really see anyone who looked suspicious or useful. The music was blasting and the lights flashing, the smell was so strong I wanted to pinch my noes. My first time in a club and  it stunk. As I paced around I tried my best to not get notice, sneaking in the shadows. And I thought I had gotten away with it until.

"Hey...!" A voice slightly yelled over the music. There was a man sitting at the bar, red hair, pale skin and beautiful orange orb eyes. My face began heating for reasons I couldn't understand. Out of all the people in the room, he was the one I could see clearly. The brightest thing, brighter than the lights.

"H-hi..." I hid my blush with my fringe slowly walking over to the bar.
He pulled out a chair next to him as I sat down. He's got me in a trance.

(Karmas pov)

I was sitting at the bar, downing my 5th shot of vodka. When I spotted someone. He was hanging back by the wall, in the dark. At first I could hardly see his face. But one a small light swiped past him, my heart skipped a beat. He had blue hair, and a slender build accompanied with  wide hips (That don't lie 😉).
Once he sat next to me, his face visibly red, I couldn't take my eyes of off him. Soon my face started turning that same red, my face could compete with my hair at this point.

"I um...can I buy you a drink?" I asked, maybe I even sounded a little flustered.
He nodded a little, his face so red. So cute. I got him something heavy, vodka mixed with some brandy.

My alcohol tolerance was high, his however-

"W-wait? Y-yo-ur name is- k-kar-ma" He would hiccup between words. He was so fucking cute, I was dying.

"Yup. What's yours?" I asked just uterly glued to his drunk face.

"N-nagi-sa" my face turned even redder. To think that was even possible. He lay his head down on the bar table, smiling dumbly.
"Y-yo-ur so h-h-ot ka-rma" He giggled, running his hand on my face. My heart trembled at his touch, I felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.

"And your ever the cute one Nagisa" I laughed back, scuffing his hair.

He went to the bathroom as I sat at the bar. 'Fuck, kill, forget' That was my normal plan when I came to bars. But this time was different. I wouldn't be able to bare stabbing a knife through him. Change of plans; 'Fuck, love, marry.'...If I live long enough. I laugh to myself.

He's been in the bathroom a long time, what's taking him so long?


Sooo the next part is gonna be dirty, don't worry I won't hold back detail. I'm just warning you. Lemon coming up.

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