Good when it feels wrong.

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(Nagisas POV)

Please don't stop touching me. That was the thought going through my head as he laced my body with his touch.
"Ah~" I couldn't believe I was doing this, knowing exactly who he was. A killer, I told myself; your target. Just kill him. It was no use, I can't kill him.

I've never known a touch like his, I've never felt this sort of lust. Is it just because he saved me? Or because of his sweet, and gentle aura? Out of anyone, I should know better than to put my guard down around him, but it's almost like he's forcing my guard down. Constantly reminding me how weak I really am. I want this one moment, to last forever.

"Hey Nagisa..." His voice was hot aswell as his breath as it hit my neck.
"Y-yes? "
"What do I do..."
I paused at his words, confused. It perhaps flustered. "I think I'm falling in love with you..."
My eyes widened at his confession, my cheeks tinting red.
I quickly pulled away, my body didn't want to but I still did.
"Y-you can't..."
He got inches closer to my face, our noses eventually bumping into each other.
"Nagisa..." I could feel his warm, quiet breath on my lips.
"Karma..." I whispered under my breath as our lips touched.
A situation like this, was guaranteed to end bad sooner or later.

(Karmas pov)

So that's this feeling. Love? Shit I've never felt anything like it before, it's destroying me from the inside.
He's actually kissing me back? I was a little suprised. I was suprised at myself. Making out with the guy who was suppose to kill me...There's something wrong with me.

As our lips parted, I saw...tears? He was crying. I jolted away from him, giving him a chance to wipe his eyes.
"I- D-dont stop okay!?" He jumped on top of me, wrapping me in a hug.

~Time skip~ (Bought to you by Koro-sensei O's!! The cereal with a slippery taste.)

We had finally gotten out of the bed, and we're sitting in a cafe eating what was our breakfast.

"So, what's the game plan for this?"
We had made the decision to form a relationship,  even though it could cause some trouble.

"I guess, if you just stay away from my work...and not reveal your actual identity...."
"I wasn't planning on revealing my identity anyway"

"Here is your pancakes and blueberry muffin love birds."

"Shut up Yuma"
I knew the man who worked here, Yuma Isogai, old friend.

"Well, I'm just suprised to see you here with a girl. Everyone in class always thought you were gay."

"Yuma you idiot. He's a guy."
"WAIT REALLY?!?!" He jumped and started bowing to nagisa.

"U-uhm it's fine...How do you know eachother?" The word class, peeked Nagisas intrests.

"Ah! We were both in the same Junior High class!! Karma over here was a real delinquent!" He patted my head.

"Shut up."

"What work ya doing these days Karma? Your an Assassin right?" He smiled with his thumb in the air.

"W-wait?! He knows!?"
I nodded, taking a bite of my blueberry muffin.
"Don't worry. I'll keep my mouth shut. Karmas done so much, I could never turn him in."
As isogai walked away, nagisa pouted.
"Who did you kill for him?"
"His landlord. He was charging them with blackmail,  putting  them in debt, his whole family was dying. So I offed the landlord."

"You don't sound like an Assassin.  You sound like Justice."

"No. I'm far from that."

"In your file it says your crazy...I can't find any traces of craze inside you..."

I sighed, trying not to ponder on the subject.

Once we both finished we got back in my car.
A sudden noise meets my ears, a voice I recognize.

"Mr. Karma."
I pushed a button on my car and spoke.
"Drop the 'Mr'. What is it?"

"We're having an accounting error from your previous job. The Yakuza are requesting you go accounting nd collect personally."

"Alright. Looks like we're doing that then." I looked at Nagisa. "Is it okay if I go and collect some pay? I'll give you a mask and stuff." He hesitantly nodded, as I reached into my glove box. I pulled out a black mask and handed it to nagisa all while putting my own mask, coat and boots on.

Once we arrived at the Yakuza estate, I handed Nagisa a hand gun, a small one.
"Hey Karma...This only has one bullet."
"That's all your going to need. Hopefully we won't run into trouble." I grabbed a gun myself. I viewed the cartridge sighing.
"10, 11 and 12. Only got 12 bullets. Hmm. Okay. "
"Only 12?! "
"It'll be fine!" We got out of the car.

Once we were let into the Yakuza state, we were met with only one of them.
"Mr. Red devil! Good to finally meet you!"
"Yes. Yes. I'm here to collect-"
"A man of buisness I see. Alright. To the basement we go. You can count it yourself."

(Nagisas pov)

What am I doing?! I was watching from far back as karma and the Yakuza where walking down the stairs.
"So who's this red devil?"
"An apprentice." Karmas voice was serious, like I had never heard it before. I watched their backs as karma made a stop sign with his hand. I wasn't sure if he was telling me to stop...or just..

I eventually stop, midway up the stairs.

As I watched the Yakuza open the valt, I saw Karma loading his gun behind his back...

As soon as the door opened!

Over 20 men, holding long and short range fire arms. Karma held up his hands, dropping his gun to the floor.

Have they got him? Is he surrendering? ! Surely he isn't going to try and fight...and I can't do anything...ic only have one bullet. ..Shit.

CLIFF HANGER BOIII!!! ARE YOU ENJOYING THE STORY SO FAR?! I'm really trying to convey the sense of emotional and physical attraction between the assassin and the legal hitman. That sort of feeling that makes them immediately feel close. But I'm also going to have to incorporate karma being a nut case into this sooooo! Suggestions pls!

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