That's why I forget.

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(Nagisas pov)

It's been 3 weeks since the cameras and wire taps were placed, it's also been 3 weeks since Karma put in his red devil mask. In fact, it's been 3 weeks since I've even seen the mask, it's missing. It's not like I could just ask Karma, the wiretaps would hear.

I'll say it in a way that's low key.


"Isogai has it." He sighed, switching if the TV. 

"How did you know what I was going to say?!"

"Because I can read your mind, soul mates right?"

"Tch shut up. " I switched the TV on, it was on the news.


"EHHHH?!?!?!" I jumped probably a little dramatically.

"And they still belive I'm the sucker?  They have me in 24 hour watch, how do they not get it?" Karmas always been good at acting, I guess it's an assassins skill. Sometimes I wonder about him though, what goes on in his mind? He knows everything about me, my child hood, my abusive mum...He even knows who my first kiss was, yet I know nothing about him. What's his past? Why's he an assassin? I wanted anwser sooner than later, I feel like I barley know him, but know him so well at the same time.

"Hey Nagisa--"

"Karma let's go out on a date!" We said at the same time except I spoke louder.

"A date? Okay!! " He said happily picking me up. "Let's go right now!!"

"Ah?! Wait now?!"

"No better time than the present!! It's getting late anyway!! I was thinking of a date!!" He put on his shoes.
I jumped out of his arms and put mine on.

"Okay, but you know--"

"I don't care-- it'll just be us in my mind. Even if others can see." He winked.

First place we went was an outside café.

"Two carino coffee's!" Karma ordered and slammed money on the desk. He had illusional dog ears. Well, on the outside. 'I was thinking of a date aswell!!' Blatant lie, he was about to go to bed.


"YES?!" He jumped a little as he bought our coffee's.

"Let's talk..."


"I wasn't going too."

He sighed in relief,  wiping his sweat.

"I was just thinking, I don't know anything about you..."

He flinched a little, narrowing his eyes.

"And so I wish to keep it that way..."


"Because... I don't remember anything like that..."

"Sure you do! You remeber your junior high friends!!"

"You talking anything about family stuff though aren't you? "

"Yeah...I guess..."

"I don't know anything about my family.  Or more to it, I don't remember."

"Hmm... If you do remember..."


The next place we went was the park. It was dark out, the stars lit up the water trickling from the fountain.  We sat near the fountain,  the beautiful music in the background. A small band.

"This place is really nice Karma...Seems out of character for you..."

"Are you saying I'm not sweet? Come on I'm like the male version of a fucking magic girl!!"

I laughed just picturing Karma as a magic girl.
"Yeah!! A-and you could have little red pigtails and a really pretty dress!!" I laughed loudly as his face turned as little red. He then planted a kiss on my lips roughly.

"Don't forget that I can also be a monster." Sharp eyes once again. I seemed to always forget...He kills people...With a giant smile on his face...He's a physcopath...I've just seen him be so silly it's hard.

"I forget sometimes ya know. I think that your a pure little soul." I admitted as he got of off me.

"Ever leant how to dance?" He said randomly.


He jumped up and went over to the small band in the park.  He handed them some money; about ¥5000. And requested a song I guess.

He then came back and grabbed my hands. Then the music started playing as he stood me up, grabbed my hand and got on one knee.
"May I have this dance?"
This song was...

"Y-you may..." I blushed and he pulled me into a dance position. I stepped on his feet a phew times, but he didn't mind. Soon people were watching us, taking videos, pictures. Some where in awe, some were disgusted.

This is why I forget. Because he does stuff like this. My stupid little red head, how long do you plan on making my heart thump this way? It's so loud, I can hear it...I bet he could aswell. There's a special word for this feeling...Love... I love him... and that's why I forget.

I'm in love with a physcopath...

Bonus chapter that has nothing to do with the story but is just me being plain stupid!!!

(Nagisas pov)

I had just gotten put of the shower, my first shower since Karma and I had moved in together. (So this is like another filler, except when Nagisa first moved in)

I had put on one of his shirts, and all had to do now, was dry my hair.

"Nagisa!!!" Karma called me. I put a towel on my head and walked into the bedroom. We were both scratched up from the previous jobs we had been doing.


"How are your wounds?" He welcomed me over to sit next to him.

"Uhm, there fine."

"I've made a decision!!! No body I aloud to touch you!!"

"Uh Karma...--" I blushed as he wrapped his arms and legs around me.

"MINE!!" He yelled, as I got stuck in his trap. "MY NAGISA!!" He snuggled into my towel, hugging me. He then kept his legs wrapped around me and began drying my hair.

"Your a doting boyfriend..."

"No I'm not. I'm just someone who loves you very much!"

Love? Karmas very fond of that word. He says it at least 5 times a day. I think I've only ever said I love you to him once...and I had a hangover that day...I'm scared of that word...because last time I told someone that word...

Although, that was a long time ago..."

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