Karmas Sick Day.

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(Kind of a filler, and kind of important)

(Nagisas pov)

"Get up Karma~! I'm hungry and your the only one who can cook good egg rice." I was tapping his shoulder.

I looked at his face and realised how red it was. He was sweating alot aswell.
I put my hand on his forehead as I quickly pulled it away.
"Karma!! Your sick!!"

"What?...no I'm not..." He sat up a little before suddenly pausing, his cheeks puffing.
He quickly jumped put of bed and rushed into the bathroom.

After a few minutes of vomit noises.

"Yes?" I said with a 'what I tell ya' voice.

"I um...I think I'm sick..."

"Yup. Come get back in bed, I'll get you some medicine."

I grumply trudged out of the bedroom down to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and some pills. I also grabbed a bucket, just in case.

"Karma, I'm back--" He was curled up in the blanket almost like he was hiding.

"I thought you didn't like hide and seek?" I snickered.

"Shut up..." He came out, and looked at me. I blushed. "I don't need medicine I'm fine!!!"

 "I don't need medicine I'm fine!!!"

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"Fine. I'll just got to work and you can take care of yourself," I walked over to the door.

"Wait!!!" He yelled, as he picked up the medicine and the water. "I'll take it if you just...don't leave..."

Cute. "Okay. I won't leave. But if you throw up again, I'm taking you to the hospital."

"No!!! Y-you can't!!!!!!"

"And why not?!"

"Uh...uhm...ah...nothing...--" He threw up in the bucket suddenly.

"That's it!! We're going to the doctors.!!" I threw some clothes on and tied up my hair. Karma slipped some slippers on, still in his pijamas.

We got to the hospital, eventually. It took 20 minutes to get Karma from the front door to the car without him throwing up. Then he threw up in the car aswell, fortunently he bought his bucket.

"Your throwing up last night's sushi." I was driving slowly and carefully.

"Shame. It was good sushi--" and again.

God he must be really sick. I hope it's not contagious..

Now came the challenge of getting him out of the car, and into the hospital.

Suprisingly, he did quite well. He didn't throw up...As much.

I finally got him seated in the doctors office.

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