Chapter 35 - Launch Revelry or Is It?

Start from the beginning

While she was lost in her thoughts, she was being watched intently by two pairs of eyes. But she was oblivious of anything but her happiness. Soon, she saw Nikloi in the room. He was looking devastatingly handsome in a black suit with white shirt and a black tie. He looked everything any girl could have wanted and more.

She was amazed at how in the world a man like him was interested in her. It was beyond her understanding and knew it may not last forever but at that moment she just revelled in the knowledge that he wanted her.

There were many people in the party. Almost everybody was a who's who in the city hard turned up. The mega lauch affair was extremely successful with everybody wanted to share Nikloi's success with him. He was fully surrounded by all the important people including a lot of media. She could imagine next day newspapers full of pictures from the party and every publication house running a story on Nikloi and his dream project.

Chrissy was happy for him but at the same time, unconsciously, she was slightly disappointed, seeing that he was too busy to miss her. Just when she thought, he would not be able to meet her or spent time with her tonight, he raised his eyes and looked straight into her eyes across the hall. It was telepathy. As if he could read her thoughts, even at such a distance, even when surrounded by so many people.

A shiver went down her spine with that look. It was the first time she could read the message in his eyes absolutely clear, conveying his promise for later tonight. Mesmerized though she was, she had to break the spell by lowering her eyes. She didn't know what her eyes would be telling him and she was worried if they were communicating what she was actually feeling.

She wanted to turn away to ease her quickened breath but before she could move, he was standing right in front of her. It was so sudden that she lost a step in moving back and Nikloi quickly held out his arms to stop her from falling down. The action made them come even closer than earlier.

Nikloi lowered his head and whispered in her ears softly, "You are looking stunning. I hope you remember our promise for tonight?"

In spite of all her control, Chrissy blushed profusely. Nikloi looked at her face and said, "I don't want to let you out of my sight tonight. Will you stay with me?"

Chrissy was on cloud number nine but she struggled with her voice, "Wh..what about everyone? Don't you have many people waiting for you?

She said increasing the distance between the two of them so as to not arise anyone's suspicion.

"They can wait", he replied smoothly. While saying so, he moved in closer again.

Just then, his PR manager hurried upto them and said catching his breath, "Sir, the Mayor is here."

Nikloi didn't look happy at all but Chrissy knew this was important. Nikloi had worked really hard for tonight and he shouldn't lose out on anything when his dream was turning into a reality. Not because of her.

She whispered quickly, "Please go. I will be waiting for you here". When he didn't move, she looked upto his eyes and pleaded silently.

There was a soft sigh and he said, "I will be back soon. Don't disappear."

With that he turned and went with the manager. Chrissy watched him join the group. She saw the city Mayor had come with his wife. Nikloi shook his hands and greeted his wife. Chrissy could see they knew each other well by the way he was talking to them.

By the time he was through with them, leaving them in the able hands of his hotel's General Manager, he was called in by another group. It was a busy night for him. But the few words he had spoken to her were enough to calm Chrissy's jittery senses. She knew sooner or later he would be with her.

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