He turned towards her, "Come on let's get something to eat. I'm so hungry I feel like I could eat a hippo."

"Hungry Hippos, Hungry Hungry Hippos."

"Shut up Bird or I will feed you to a hippo," He snarled at the bird.

Beaky cocked his head to one side and just stared at Chandler.

Chandler just shook his head and walked away. He really hated that bird.


Chandler came home from class that afternoon to the sound of Katelyn singing. It is one of his favorite sounds in the world. He froze and listened to her sing.

"This Little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.

Let it shine, shine, shine. Let it Shine!"

He smiled and was about to head into the living room when he heard it.

"Let it shine, shine, shine. Let it Shine!"

He groaned, of course that damn bird is singing along with her. He sucked up to Katelyn but seemed to have a sadistic enjoyment for giving Chandler crap.

He walked into the living room and sure enough there he was, perched on the lamp beside the keyboard where Katelyn was staring intently at her song book.

"You two going to start a band?" he smirked as she looked up and gave him a confused look before it registered what he was referring to.

"Ha-ha," She said sarcastically as she leaned her head up to meet his lips. "How was class?"

"Pretty good. How was your meeting with Chris?"

"Awesome, he sends his best and he says he might have a lead on a new Netflix show for the both of us."

"That's Amazing," she said excitedly and he kissed her again.

"So what do you feel like for dinner tonight?" she called out to him as he walked across the room towards their bedroom.

"I don't know. You know me I eat pretty much-oh for Pete's sake!"

"What's wrong?"

He stormed out of the bedroom. "That damn bird craped on my pillow. I mean look at this," He held up the pillow, which was covered in white stains. "Its all over the place."

The sight of her boyfriend holding up a pillow covered in bird poop forced Katelyn to cover her mouth with her hand, trying to hold in her laughter.

He gave her an annoyed look, "It's not funny."

"I'm not laughing." She giggled, trying to suppress full blown laughter.

Chandler looked at the bird. "Why do you always poop on my stuff huh? Why don't you poop on her stuff you moron."

"Poop on Chandler. Poop on Moron Chandler."

Katelyn flung her head back, laughing hysterically at the birds comment. Tears of laughter formed in her eyes and after a while her stomach hurt from laughing so hard.

Chandler, however was not amused. If looks could kill the bird would have been dead minutes ago.

"Just you wait, your feathered demon, I'm going to get you back He muttered as he walked to the front hall where the washer and dryer were kept.


Over the next few days. Beaky continued to terrorize Chandler. One morning Chandler had been making breakfast and stepped away to answer a call from Andy. When he returned he found the Bird helping himself to Chandler's toast and scrambled eggs.

The Story Of ChandlynWhere stories live. Discover now