- nine

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— rewritten
(if comments don't make sense it's because i rewrote on the original parts)

"So Mr Park, yeah?"

Sunhee cringed hearing her friends voice. Not at her friends voice but what her friend had said. "Don't start this Lis," She sighed shutting her locker.

"I can't believe you didn't tell us sooner!" Youngmi laughed leaning against the lockers. "My gosh, how awkward was it when you first saw him at yours?"

"So what else happened?" Lisa inquired. "Like, he rushed to you as soon as he could! How romantic!" she exclaimed with a swooning sigh.

"Ew, don't say that Lisa." Sunhee gagged. "He just made me soup, that's all. I swear."  The trio walked through the near empty halls and to the canteen where the rest of the friends would be waiting.

"Sun, we've been friends for like what? Ages now. Girl, something else happened." Youngmi stated as she linked arms with the youngest.

"Okay so maybe I hugged him as a thanks— Gosh Lis don't make that face! No!" Lisa began giggling as she also linked arms with Sunhee.

"What's the joke?" Changbin asked as the three joined them. "Tell me, I could do with a laugh."

"No joke, just Sunhee and a certain professor." Lisa informed. "I think you'd be cute together, no lie."

"Yo what? Dude that's kinda disturbing to think about." Mark said weirded out. "Like that's her teacher yo."

"Student teacher." Seungkwan retorted. "He's only a few years older than us." They all turned to him. "What? Don't look at me like that. I'm just saying is all."

"Whatever, nothing is ever going to happen. I plan on staying away from him as much as possible." Sunhee stated. "I'm gonna grab something from the school shop, anyone want anything?" She asked.

"I'm coming with you. I want a milkshake," Youngmi decides as she also get up.

"Get me one as well?" Chan asks.

"Can you get me a peach yogurt?" Areum asks.

"Of course, so a milkshake and yogurt. Anyone else?" Sunhee asked.

"Hmm...flavoured water?" Hansol asks.

"Gottcha." Youngmi nodded trying a finger gun.

The pair leave falling into their own conversation.

"Teacher, brothers best friend, enemy due to prank...that's all sorts of clichés." Sana chimed in with smile before it fell as she continued. "Besides, we all know she still has feeling for—" she cuts herself off as the group falls silent, remembering their old friend.

"That all in the past now." Hansol pipes up switching the subject. It was a topic that opened up old wounds. "Did you guys hear about the music teachers affair?"

This brought back the others interest.

"What happened?" Changbin asked.

"Bro you had to be there." Mark sighed getting into to the story. "So basically like what happened was...."

Minutes later the Sunhee Youngmi duo returned to the table with snacks. "What's the tea?" Youngmi asked.

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