- two.

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SunHee sighed slumping down into her seat. She let out a groan slamming her head down onto the desk.

"Don't do that." Changbin warned. "You'll lose more brain cells."

"Hey!" She exclaimed getting up and playfully hitting his arm. "I can't believe it didn't work, I calculated it just right!"

"Stop winging." He rolled his eyes. "It was a good idea though. A custard bomb, it's original."

"But it didn't work," She sighed out. "Well not on Hansol anyway. I wonder who it got anyway.." Hansol, the target, had sent a picture of him besides the splatter of custard just moments before the start of the lesson. All she knew was that it didn't get him. He also mentioned that she may be getting in trouble for this one but that didn't really bother her.

She was far to distraught on the fact it didn't work. SunHee was sure it was going to, at one door was a group of students blocking the entrance while the other was free. Everyone in his class group knew that what you were up to and weren't getting in the way. Non of them told him either, so who could it have been?

"So what next?"  Areum asked turning to face the both of you. "How are you going to win this one?" She asked in curiosity.

"Not exactly sure yet," SunHee shrugged before dropping her head back o got he table, this time head shielded by Areum's hands. "I can't stand another physics lesson."

"Oh!" Chanbin alerted. "Did you hear, Miss Yoo isn't teaching us this term."

"She isn't? Then who do we have?" SunHee asked curious, laying her head to the side.

"Apparently we have the new substitute." The girl that sat beside of Areum spoke turning to face the trio. "I heard he's young hot and sexy. I heard some of the girls swoon and gossip about him this morning."

"Do you know his name?" Areum asked.

"...no...sorry..." she frowned.

"It looks like he's arrived." Changbin said pointing to the door. In walked a short scruffy looking man, hot and sexy? No, maybe in his own sort of way but he doesn't seem the type that the girls in this school would swoon over.

"G-good morning c-class. M-my name is
M-mr Eun." He stuttered. He coughed a few times before continuing to explain that he wasn't actually their and their substitute wouldn't be in for this lesson. He didn't specify why...

About 10 minutes into the lesson the intercom went off. Chnagbin and SunHee stopped talking when hearing her name name. "Kim Sun Hee report to my office now." All eyes fell on her.

"What did I do now?" She muttere, wouldn't be the first time she was called in for someting she couldn't recall. "Hey Changbin, fancy a trip to the principal's office with me?" she asked.

"Sure," He nodded getting up.

"We'll be back sir," She flashed him a smiled before she and Changbin walked out the room before the teacher could protest about Changbin .

"What do you think it is this time?" Changbin asked as they both walked down the hall. She o my shrugged.

"Who cares? It'll be the same, it's probably about our prank wars..but they never said anything before...what's different now?" She went off on a tangent.

They continued to walk up the stairs as the head's office was located on the fourth floor and they were currently now on the third. After an other two flights of stairs they got there.

Since classes were still in session they had to be quiet. Lucky for them the office down the hall.

"That was quicker than I hoped." Changbin sighed glaring over at the office. SunHee laughed shaking her head, suggesting they take a nice stroll around the school grounds before going to the office. "I mean it would wind him up even more...let's do it." He let out a devilish smirk.

"I don't know who's the one that the bad influence." she laughed. We were about to turn the corner and leave when we heard our names being called. "Kim SunHee, Seo Changbin!" it was the vice principal. "Hi Ms," SunHee waved flashing a smile.

"You missy are in big trouble," She sighed. "What have I said about keeping out of trouble? Hmm? And you young man, what are you doing up here? you should be in lesson right now!"

"You know what she's like," Changbin shrugged. "Someone had to make sure she gets here," He said cheekily leading SunHee to playfully hit his arm.

"All right, all right. Changbin you can wait in my office, Sun Hee you hurry along. Don't keep him waiting." SunHee nodded as the vice principal shooed her back down the hall they were supposed to go down.

The 17 year old knocked on the door once before walking in. You'd think she'd be nervous...but come on...SunHee, nervous? Funny.

She had been through this procedure so many times. You could say she's a troublemaker but she's the angel. Take this information as you will.

"Miss Kim," the principal spoke as soon as walked walked in. She smirked, he had his back turned towards her. This meant he was going to do his dramatic spin around. And as if on cue he spun right round. "Nice of you to join me. Now I'm sure you're well aware of why your here —"

"Actually Sir, I don't think I am." she told him. "Care to refresh my memory?"

He sighed signalling for her to take a seat. "Two words. Custard bomb. Ring any bells?" she almost snorted. Almost. "I understand your tradition of you prank wars but we talked about this remember? Nothing too far and extreme. And no member of staff or any other student not involved should be harmed or effected by your practical jokes."

"A member of staff fell for my custard bomb? I wouldn't really call it a bomb — was it Mr Han? Oh please tell me it was Mr Han—"

"What am I going to do with you." He muttered. "What have you got against Mr Han — you know what, forget I even asked. Look Miss Kim, your joke hit a member of staff, and I regret to inform you that I have no choice but to give you a weeks worth of detention. Your brother has been informed and your detentions start from next Monday."

SunHee's mouth fell open. "What? But sir —"

"No but 'Sir'ing me. You are expected to show up at 4:00pm everyday for the following week."

"Fine." she huffed rolling her eyes. "Do I get to know who the unfortunate member of staff fell for my prank?"

"That would be me Miss Kim. Your new physics teacher."

Holy mother of-

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