- five.

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— rewritten
(if comments don't sense it's because i'm lazy and i'm rewriting on old chapters)

Time for the last period rolled around, despite it being one of my best subject I wasn't looking forward to it.

"We could just skip?" Youngmi suggested. She absolutely hated science. Granted she was always paired up with the one person she found extremely annoying.

"Hansol and SunHee are already in trouble, skipping will just make it worse." Seungkwan pointed out. He had a point, and the others would get roped into trouble.

"We have the new substitute," Areum informed the others of why I really don't want to go.

"Custard bomb victim." Chan snickered. "Which by the way, was ace." He grinned shooting finger guns at me.

"Why thank you," My expression matched his and a did a little bow.

"If only you had an accurate target," Hansol pointed out.

"You want to talk about accurate targets?" I asked, raising a brow making the others fall into laughter. "Anyway, I'm really not feeling science."

"I'm with you," Lisa sighed.

"Seeing as non of us want to go to science, how's about we head to the rooftop? We can join lesson half way through?" Mark suggested. I guess that wouldn't be bad.

"Let's do it," Changbin grinned.

Room 3-3

Changbin and I looked at each other. Unlike the others who had gone straight to class, the exception of Areum and Youngmi who decided to stay in the infirmary, the pair of us went wondering about the building, not the best idea but hey, we've already missed half of it what's another 10 minutes?

I pushed the door open and everyone's heads turned to us.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Miss Kim. Mr Seo." I winced and turned my head to look at him. "I'll talk to you both after class."

We shrugged and walked to our seats at the back of the class. I dropped my bag in to the desk and slumped into my seat.

"Any particular reason why you were late?" Jimin asked. I thought he was going to talk to us after class?

"We don't need to explain ourselves to you," Changbin replied taking out his text book, not bothering to look up.

"Right." He sighed and continued to talk about
velocity and kinetic energy.

"Pst," Changbin whispered nudging me. "Look," he motioned out the window. From across us was Lisa and Sana and Chan. They waved and we waved back. Our phones then buzzed.


there's this new cafe opened up

i was thinking we should all go sometime

sounds good

what's it called?

café le six

oh ik where that is

i walked past it this morning

we could go after class?

dk about you guys but

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