- eight.

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— rewritten
(if comments don't make sense it's because i rewrote on the original parts)

"She's going to kill me..." Hansol shivered dropping his phone. Sunhee peered over seeing the messages that his mother had sent. "Why did they call home-" he groaned.

Before Sunhee could get another word in his phone rang. "Shit..." he cursed picking the device back up.

"Tell her you came to make sure I was okay." She suggested. "She'll understand right?"

"Maybe..." Hansol sat up straight answering the call. "Hey mum...okay but I have a reason! ... No I wasn't just ditching school, come on mum have a little faith! I would never! ... okay but only lessons with Mr Han, but that's besides the point, my friend is seriously ill so I came to check on her. ... Yeah, Sunhee... She almost fainted I couldn't not see her! She's felling a little better now but it's hardly much improvement ... mmh ... yeah ... yeah i'll be home soon. Okay bye then."

As the line ended Hansol let out a sigh of relief. "Good news she's not going to kill me, bad news is that I'm grounded if I get another call home from school." he explained shuffling over to his friend. "Which would suck for you, cause honestly. What would you do without me?"

"I would be extremely miserable," she sighed, playing along, leaning her head in his shoulder. "We'll stay out of trouble for a while, so that way you'll stay out of trouble."

The pair laughed falling back onto the bed. Yeah sure, as if! they both thought.

"Since all we've eaten was snacks the past could hours, I'll order us some food." Sunhee decided. "What do you-" they both froze hearing a car pull into the drive way.

"I thought your brothers were out of town?" he whispered to her."

"They are," she whispered back quickly throwing the food wrappers into the bag, Hansol getting up to quickly do the same. "It's Taehyung's friend." she informed.

"Ah, okay. But why are we whispering?" Hansol asked with a whisper.

"He doesn't know you're here, not that it's his business, well...you could get into trouble...?"

"What?" She was about to explain when they heard footsteps near her door before a knock.

"Under the bed," she whispered urgently. Hansol nodded and slid under the bed, covering his mouth and nose to quieten his breathing while Sunhee quickly go into bed pulling her covers over her.

{20 Minutes before}

"You're leaving early Mr Park?" Mrs Yoon asked seeing Jimin packing away his things.

Jimin replied with a nod, putting away a tack of papers into his desk drawer. Teachers usually left around 5-6 usually staying to either finish of marking or something else lesson related. It had just hit 4pm.

Students were leaving and he didn't have any detentions to deal with so he was going to head straight to the Kim residents. He had informed Taehyung about Sunhee shorty after he had messaged her.

The former had asked if Jimin could check on her when he could seeing as his sister wasn't responding to him (Due to ignoring her phone as she and her friend were too immersed into playing video games, but neither Jimin or Taehyung needed to know that)

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