- three.

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SunHee's POV

"What were you thinking!" My eldest brother, Seokjin yelled. "No, of course you weren't!" He scoffed shaking his head. I opened my mouth to interject but he shut me down. Great let the yelling fest continue.  "Are you completely out of you mind? Dropping custard over you teachers head!"

"Cut me some slack." I sighed slumping down onto the couch. "Look, it was a harmless prank meant for my best friend, how was I supposed to know a teacher was going to walk through it?" I calculated  it to the 'T'. Hansol was supposed to walk through the trapped door.

"SunHee." Jin sighed rubbi his forehead. "Just — just go to your room alright? And give me your phone."

"You can't be — Jin you can't be serious, can you?" He wasn't going to, was he?

"I am." He said firmly.

"I'm not a child anymore Jin! I've already been told off, I understand my mistake-"

"Then stop acting like one!" Jin snapped. "No matter what boundaries we put you're always breaking them. When will you stop? You're 17 for goodness sake! All these pranks, it's childish! Just grow up and be serious for once!"

"Grow up? And what, become like you? All serious and no fun? Never home and always at work? No thanks." I spat storming to my room, "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHATS GOING ON WITH US!"
I screamed slamming the door shut behind me.

He's always like this. And I completely understand, boundaries do need to be set but what's the point if that's the only time he cares? He didn't even know what was going on in either of mine and Seungmin's life. And if we did anything wrong, big or small he'd get angry, disappointed.

Third Person's POV

Jin sighed shaking his head. What was he going to do?

"Don't you think that was a bit harsh?" Seungmin asked, revealing himself from the kitchen doorway. "She's already got told off at school, yelling at her isn't going to do anything..."

But Jin ignored his youngest brother grabbing his briefcase. "There's food in the fridge, I've left money on the counter if you want to order anything."

Seungmin sighed leaving the the garden. More and more dysfunctional each day.

next day

"SunHee!"  Seungmin quietly yelled barging into his sisters room. He rushed to her side shaking her gently. "Sunnie wake up!"

SunHee groaned pulling her covers over her face muttering for him to leave.

"Taehyung's back!" With that SunHee sprung up looking at the youngest with wide eyes. Taehyung the middle middle sibling out of them all.

"What time is it?" she asked quickly.

"1:04pm," he answered. damn...asleep for that long... "He's back with a friend," Seungmin then informed.

"A friend?" she asked and he nodded. "Right, I'll be down soon....Is Jin still mad?"

"Probably...he hasn't said anything yet." Seungmin answered. "I think he feels guilty,"

SunHee's POV

After Seungmin left, I got ready for the day. Since my disaster prank was an ultimate fail I have been suspended for the remainder of the week, which is pointless as it's only two days.

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