The start

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Author POV
Johnny and taeyong had gotten about a weeks worth of rest, they caught up on their assignments and what they needed post got to rest. But it was Sunday night now and tomorrow would be the first court hearing for the case.

Taeyong POV
I'm laying in bed with Johnny but I can't help and think about what's gonna happen tomorrow. Will he go to jail or is he gonna find a way to get out. "I can basically feel you thinking don't worry I'll be there with you through out all of it with you" Johnny says "I know I just....I don't know Johnny I...I'm scared what if he find a way to get out what if he comes back what do we do then?" He pulls be closer in his embrace "shhh he won't we have proof and there are even other people who say and are willing to help plus there's even video evidence from the theatre" he says and I nod. "Go to sleep it's gonna be a long day tomorrow" he says and kisses me I end up drifting off in his embrace.

Johnny's POV
I know he's nervous I am too but I can show him that I need to make sure he knows it's going to be ok and I'm here for him. I know that monster won't get out he can't. But no mater what I'll be here for tae even tho it's only been a few weeks since we've started dating we have already been through so much together and I know I'm in love with him I just hope he is to.

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