After our zoo trip, we head back to the guys' apartment. I fight sleep because I don't have any mixture with me, and I know that bitch has been out there ramping up her strength

"Tired?" Dane asks from beside me.

"Yeah. Going to the zoo always wipes me out." He rests an arm across the back of the seat and makes a gesture of invitation to rest against him. I shake my head. "If I come snuggle in with you right now, I'll for sure fall asleep, and we don't have any mixture with us. I'm not taking that chance." He nods his head in understanding, and I rest my head against the window as the air rushing in the car whips my short hair around.

After a little while, we pull up at the guys' apartment. I roll up the window and we all climb out. Dane rounds teh car and puts a hand on my lower back, leading me into the building. While we wait for the elevator, I lean wearily into his side. He moves and wraps his arms around me and places a soft kiss to my temple.

"We'll get up stairs and make you some mixture so you can take a nap, okay?"

"That sounds delightful." I respond, the words muffled against his chest. My head bounces a little at his chuckle.

We finally get up to their floor and the door gets unlocked. I make a beeline for the couch and I see Sam make his way to the kitchen, presumably to make my mixture. I was right, because a few moments later he comes into the room and hands me a cup. I drink the concoction down and hand the cup back to him. Dane comes and sits beside me, as my eyelids are drooping.

"Want a cuddle buddy?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows. I give a soft chuckle and nod my head.

I move so he can lie down, his back pressed to the back of the couch. he opens his arms, and I gladly slide in next to him, my head cradled in the crook of his arm, my face buried in his chest. I close my eyes and sigh. It doesn't take long for sleep to claim me.

I don't know how long I slept, but I slept hard. I awake to voices murmuring from somewhere in the vicinity of the dining table. I rub my eyes and sit up slowly. At first I'm irritated because they are talking without me, but then I thought about it. Whatever they are talking about right now, they would tell me whenever I woke up. I need to start trusting them. They aren't speaking in hushed tones to keep secrets, they are doing out of respect for me sleeping.

"How long was I out?" I ask, voice still heavy from sleep.

"A couple of hours." Sam answers back. "Want to join us? We can catch you up with what we've been talking about while you rested." See? I tell myself. You overreacted for nothing.

"Yeah. Let me just use the bathroom really quick." I answer back, already making my way there. I do my business quickly. While I'm washing my hands, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and wince. My face is filthy and my hair is flying everywhere. I splash some water on my face to clear the dust, and finger comb my hair to tame it. Not really satisfied with the outcome, I shrug. They've seen worse.

I leave the bathroom and make my way over to the dining table. I take a seat next to Leo. He asks me if I want some coffee, and I readily accept. He comes back a few minutes later with a steaming mug of liquid gold, and I take a first tentative sip. I sigh into my cup as the bitter taste rolls around my tongue. I put the mug on the table, my hands wrapped around it for warmth, to feel three sets of eyes on me. I look up and they all have an indiscernible look on their collective faces.

"What?" I ask them. Leo shakes his head, and the other two follow suit. I mentally shrug. Oh, well. "So what have you guys been doing since I've been off in the land of slumber?"

Dane slides a stack of papers toward me. I turn them so they aren't upside down. I look over the papers, my curiosity flying. They've mapped out a battle plan. A damn good one too. My excitement reaches all time high levels as I look the pages over. There's no way we can lose with this plan.

I set the papers down and look at my guys. Yes. My guys. We're in this together. It wouldn't have taken some prophecy to tell me I was meant to be with them. It might have taken some more time, but the short amount of time I've spent with them, they've wriggled their way in. In past all the hurt from losing Kris. In past all the fucked up shit I've had to put up with my parents. In past all the other bullshit I've had to deal with. In past all the stuff they don't even know about me.

Leo with his silent strength. Not a man of words, so you know when he does say something, it's going to be meaningful.

Sam with his commanding presence. He makes me feel safe just being in the same room as him.

Then, Dane. Playful, daydreaming Dane. He's no less than his two chosen brothers, but he brings to the table a mind like no other.

I can see aspects of all of them in this plan, and the fact they aren't worried in the slightest about my role in all of this, just makes me fall for them a little harder.

I'm not scared. I'm not worried. Not about the demon. Not about embarking on this exciting new relationship. I'm very much looking forward to see what our future holds.

But for now, tonight is going to be epic.

Hunter Academy - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now