Chapter 22

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Hey guys... I'm alive again! Haha.. Proceed..

+Confusing Feelings+

(Clarity's PoV)

"Eh--Z-Zee? "

My eyes widened as the guy stood from his chair and went on my bed.

"Clarity..." He muttered and his eyes conveyed sadness.

Those green alluring eyes...

Wait.. What am I?...

"Clarity... " He called once again and caressed my cheek.

Surprised by the action, I slap his hand.

"W-what are you doing? Why am I here?.. " I trembled." How long did I sleep? "

He just smiled sadly.

"Clarity...Are you happy being with that prince?.. "

"W-What? " I was held back by his question.

Am I happy?...


Yes I am.


Then why am I hesitant to answer?


"D-don't answer my question with another answer Zee... " I stuttered and look away.

This is just confusing...

The first time we met.

The short time that we were talking.. It was so surreal.

It was like a scene that came out of a cheesy fairytale.

The time we spent together, for the first time, I was comfortable in this unknown world... For the first time.. I was comfortable with a guy.

He also gives the same vibes with someone I held so dear back in my past life...

Hide-kun,my childhood friend...

But.. This can't be.

I know I love Yohan.

He takes good care of me...

He cares for me and my feelings...

He is like...


Like what?

An older brother...

He is like my older brother...


I am already engaged to him.. But do I really love him? not as a brother but a man?... Do I?

"You have been unconscious for five days. Clarity... Are you happy with that prince?... Are you...? "

I nodded.

He laughed half heartedly. "Then.. Do you love him?... "


"So you don't love him?..."


"Do you love me? "

"Zero... I'm sorry but.. I... I'm confused...."

"What do you mean?" His eyes narrowed and a flash of concern that was too familiar was seen on his face.
"Tell me Clarity... What is confusing?.."

"I-I love Yohan...but I also love you as much as him.. I do not know... But it feels like you are both... Both the same special person I held so dear on my past life... "

He sighed and got off the bed.

" Special person?... "

"He's... My child hood friend... He was cute, too cute for a guy. He was often hurt and I always tend his wounds. He was so special to me...We always meet at my garden's Cherry blossom tree and play there together.. Until... He forgot about me one day. He didn't go to the cherry blossom tree anymore.."
I honestly answered and look at Zero.

He didn't say anything but I noticed faint tears on his face.

"Huh? Zee? Why are you... Crying? "
I went near him and wipe his tears.

He didn't say anything but he pulled me in a tight hug.

"Zee? Are you okay?.. "

He rest his head in my shoulders and purred. " Yuki...Yuki... "

My eyes widened. "H-How do you know about-hmmph" I was cut off by his soft lips crashing into mine.

(Zero's PoV)

I kissed her.

I don't care.

I just miss her.

How did I even forgot about her?

"I love you...Yuki" I said lovingly as I stare at her beautiful eyes.

Now I know why I feel so comfortable with you...

Now I am not confused about everything...

Now... I want to be the villain and ran away with you...

Now... I... Don't wanna be the prince..

Now I am sure of my answer..

I will be this twisted story's villain if you are the villainess...

I don't care. I'm not hesitating anymore.

I am sure.

Am I the Villain or the Hero? (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now