Chapter 9

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-Red and Gold-

(Levithian's PoV)

"King God... We have a very concerning report. The Prince had awoken his holy veins--"

I didn't let the messengers of our house finished when I stepped out of my throne and teleported to the manor.

This can't be...

Holy veins awakening at the age of 3?!

I know my son had been extraordinary, that stoic face of his and mature personality.

He never cried.

He never complained.

I went inside my son's room and found out an enormous sight.

I expected my son to be crying in pain and destroying hmm let's say half of the manor on his berserk.

Well, I awoken my holy veins when I was 10,they were gold and it was painful. I went wild and ended up destroying one fourth of the manor.

His mother, Erin awoke hers in the age of 11 and destroyed one fourth of their manor too.

But.... My son didn't.

Yes. He awoke the holy veins.

But he was calm! He was controlling them!

Before I could think, I hugged him and saw...

Red and gold veins.



There is no being that have two holy veins!!!

"Father Levithian, is there something wrong? " He asked politely.

I let go of him and placed my hands on his shoulder.

"My son, does it hurt anywhere? Can you control it?" I asked concerned.

He nodded.

"Father Levithian I'm happy you're here and... " He didn't finished when he was crying.

For the first time, my heart breaks into pieces.

My son...cried.

Should I be glad or sad we were the reason?

He doesn't call me dad anymore...

The door opens and Erin enters.

"Yohan!" She exclaims and pulls him into a hug.

"Mother Erin... "

And again, he was calling us differently.

He wasn't calling us mom and dad anymore...

That fact made us feel like we were strangers to him...

"I'm sorry Yohan... I'm so sorry " I felt my eyes watered as I joined the hug.

(Yohan's PoV)

It had been a year since we had a bear hug like this...

TBH, it's so warm...

I wanna be here forever...

"Mom, dad... I'm sorry too. I worried the both of you.I think you should go back and-OOMPH-"

"YOHAAAAAAN!!!! " I heard the similar whining voice before I was pulled into a snake hug.

"U-Uncle Carceus... "


"Uhm... Can everyone please leave the room for me and uncle? "I pleaded.

They all nodded and uncle swallowed his saliva.

"Now... Explain why I have this holy veins at this early age Uncle Car-Ce-Us"
I demand, pissed off.

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