Chapter 20

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+The Attention Seeker+

(Arabella Fossette)




Nevermind it... I'll just try capturing the others and save Yohan for last.

So... On my list let's go hunt Kiseki Vandelle first.

My Kiseki... So handsome and cool... We even have the same light element... He's my soulmate...

Ah!There you are!

Time to act!


(Kise's PoV)

After the entrance ceremony for the first years, I finally got time to talk to the white haired girl but before I could reach 2 meters away from her, I noticed the glare and the cold smiles.

A black haired dude with terrifying red glaring eyes and a blondie with blue cold eyes, has the smile of a devil.

This girl is surrounded by those two but she's not intimidated at all.


I guess I'll talk to her if she's alone.

I closed my eyes and smirked as I walk past them and went to wander on the halls.



A yellow haired girl bumped into me and maybe it's on the impact or she just falls in purpose?

I mean...who falls with only your shoulders barely touching? Is this girl so wimpy? Tch.

"oh-i-uh... I'm sorry."

She looked at me with big green eyes that is clouded with desire.

(For a reason, he can tell the intentions by looking in the eyes or the gestures. He also have the ability to hear your heartbeat if you lie or if you don't)

Tch. Another fangirl?

"I'm also sorry miss. " I forced out a smile and offered my hand.

She gladly took it and stand up but then she trips over nothing and falls again, with me being dragged.

"I-I-I... " She stuttered as she was a blushing mess when we were 3 inches apart.

Due to my good reflexes, I was able to stop myself from falling and smooching her on the lips.

Just the thought of it was gruesome.

I gave a disgusted look as I stood up and look at her shocked figure.

Tch. what?  Trying to make me help you again then you'll fall over nothing again? Oh man. That's a pain in the ass sissy...

Speaking of pain in the ass... Does she not experienced those when she just falls butt first all the time?

She stared at me for a minute then decides to awkwardly stand up.

"S-sorry" She bit her lower lip and fixed her hair.

Trying to look cute huh? I don't care. I'm just interested in that white haired girl. No one else.

"It's okay. Excuse me, I have to go"

I inwardly rolled my eyes as she tried to reach me.

"Um... I still haven't told you my name... " She inquires.

"Who cares? "

I harshly spat and walk away.

Man... That girl is sure an attention seeker... Isn't she?

I just hope she won't bug my life in the near future...

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