Chapter 19

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+Clarity's Jealousy+

(Yohan's PoV)

After bowing a lot of times, I finally gained my composure again.

Harley chuckled. "Nah... It's okay pal. Tbh, I'm actually glad that my little cousin here got a possessive fiance so guard her for me will you?" He whispered."Ya know, now that she's a Faeri, I'm pretty sure a lot of guys will be head over heels for her"

After that,he blow right in my ear, causing me to stumble and step on something.

That something was... Someone.

Someone I knew so well with her high pitched voice.

"Waaah!" she fakely screamed as both of us were falling down because SHE fakely unbalanced.

Oh great.

Before the fall happens, I turn around and got my balance.

I hate this but I need to save her for my title. Urgh...

I catched her in my arms and F... Why is she crying? That fall wasn't that scary. Or she's fearing that she will have a bruise on her face.Tsk.

She faced me with 'please comfort me'look.

What? I ain't helping you fake.

I just stared boredly at her and she wiped her tears awkwardly.

"T-Thank you" She said as cutely as possible.

Oh boy...I think I'm done with her.

I shot her a cold smile and let go of her... A little harsh and walked away.

---(Clarity's PoV)

Yohan saved Arabella and smiled at her.

Though I felt a sharp pang on my heart...I don't have any rights to be jealous.

I'm just his fiance. Nothing more.

I should have known from the start.

"You okay?" Harley asks worriedly.

I nodded. "Yeah. I just... Need to have fresh air. "

"If you say so but go to the auditorium once the bell rings Clarity." He shot me a smile and I started wandering off to the halls.

'I guess Prince Yohan don't love me. '

'Yeah. Who am I to be noticed by him? '

Without noticing it, I bumped onto someone.

"Oh. I'm sorry" I said and look up to see yellow blob of hair and gray eyes.

"It's okay my lady. I suppose you are lost? "

He asked and I shook my head no.

"No. I'm just walking around for fresh air"

He chuckled. "Already having problems on first day? "

"Yeah." I responded and looked far away.

I didn't notice a wide smile on his face and the words he muttered before bidding good bye.

(Kiseki's PoV)

I am Kiseki Vandelle, the heir of the Vandelle household. My life... Is full of

Fake praises to cover the whole lie...

Of our existence.

Mother was a demon.

Father was a holy being.

Resulted us.

My sister being a demon, me a saint.

My sister the one to be blamed and left to the darkness and me to be corrupted and blinded with brightness.

Everyone lied and will lie to me.

But then, I bumped with this white haired girl with alluring crimson eyes.
I asked her if she was lost and if she did say she was, I would help her.

But she didn't. She didn't lied to be noticed by me like most snobby and arrogant noble ladies do.

She was the first one to not lie to me.

"Very intriguing..." I muttered under my breath and smiled wide.

I hate to leave her but the bells ringing soon so I guess I'll have to leave for now.

"I'm afraid I have to say goodbye my lady." I shot her a very charming smile and she was not flustered, not one bit.

'Truly interesting...'

I recall as I saw a familiar white hair with red eyes in the front row of the auditorium...

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