Chapter 28

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Heyy! This is the last chapter. So this book is done ): I really enjoyed writing this book and I hoped you liked reading it too.

But that means I'm going to focus on THE CHOLO now. :)

Thanks so much to those who have been reading this book, and I hope you guys liked it.

Who likes The Cholo? ;D

Who else is watching the FIFA World Cup? I am, go Mexico! Chicharito = The Bae

What do you guys think? ;o

Please Comment and VOTE! <33

(Pic of Pedro ->)

~Love MexicanWriter




Chapter 28 (Pedro's POV):

We already have everything planned out. We're going to attack tonight. I can't wait to get my hands on the asshole that killed Katy. I'm going to torture him so much that he's going to be begging me to kill him.

"Pedro are you sure you want to kill him alone?" Raul asks me.

"Yeah. I already have his death planned."

"You need to remember their dangerous too."

"I know."

"Pedro you know what to do if you need help," Ivan says patting my back.

After everyone knows what their suppose to do we follow the directions that Katy's parents gave us and when we reach the creepy house we all go separate ways. I sneak in through a back door and once inside I notice a lot of things. Number 1: there are a lot of people here, Number 2: they all have weapons, and Number 3: they are talking about Katy. Before they see me I barge in their little group, and I start killing anyone in my way. Raul follows my lead and him and Ivan start attacking too. The people start shouting and throwing bullets and arrows at us but we easily dodge them.

"Everyone stop!" A voice says from the stairs and everyone freezes including us. "Who are you? And why are you here?" He snaps at us.

I shift back to my human and glare at him. "I'm Pedro. And I'm guessing you're the murderer."

"What are you saying-"

"You know exactly what I'm saying."

"Now please I don't want to fight but I honestly have no-"

"You killed Katy dumbass!"

"W-what... No I didn't."

"We have evidence. And you're dead." I snarl before lunging at him. The people start shooting at me but I'm too fast for them. When I reach the guy I throw him and then I shift and rip his leg off. I'm going to rip him into pieces.

"Stop!" He yells.

I rip his other leg off and then one of his arms and the his other arm. He screaming the whole time and below us I see that only 3 people are alive from his group.

Before I have the chance the rip his head off I feel a pain shoot through my chest. I look at my chest and notice a silver arrow through it. I feel my eyelids start to get heavy and then I collapse on the ground.

(Raul's POV)

I watch as a man near Pedro grabs an arrow and raises it towards Pedro. I try to say something but my mouth is frozen. I quickly kill the guy near me and I run as fast as I can towards Pedro. I reach Pedro just as he collapses to the ground. I jump on the back of the guy that put the arrow through his chest and I break his neck.

"Pedro? Pedro!" I yell picking him up and shaking him. Ivan comes up behind me and he stares at Pedro's motionless body. The guy that Pedro was killing smirks at me and I stand up and yank his head off of what's left of his body.

"Alpha... I think he's dead," Ivan tells me with sad eyes.

"It was a silver arrow..."

"What should we do?"

"Take his body, we're telling the others. I think we should bury him with Katy."

On the way back to James house were both silent and I feel sadness wash over me. He died killing Katy's murderer. I'm going to miss him even though we weren't close.

Once home Ivan is sad and crying with the rest of his friends.

The next day we all go to the cemetery we picked and we all stand around as Katy and Pedro are buried next to each other. We all say a few words before they start shoving dirt on top. I can't look as the dirt is being shoved on as I feel tears roll down my face.

Katy is the only girl I ever loved. I honestly don't know why I'm still here. But right now I just need to worry about leading my pack.

Their love story really was a roller coaster. Even though it hurts me to say it they belonged together and they had that love I'll never be able to have.

And their still together, even in death.


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