Chapter 23

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I'm sooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in like weeks. So we had so many tests and projects so I had no time to get on wattpad. But yeah and then we have Marching Band so I have to stay after school, and I have soccer practice too. So many things ._.  

 Did anyone else see the game? So it was a tie, 2-2 andd I LOVE Alan Pulido <- He so fine ;) He made the 2nd goal, so yeah he my bae.

How are you guys liking the story so far?

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~Love Mexicanwriter

(Pic of Zack ->)




Chapter 23(Katy's POV): 

As soon as school was done my parents picked me up, and right now I'm about to call Pedro and tell him about the hunters. I call him, but he doesn't answer. I start to get worried after I call him a third time and he doesn't answer. What if something bad happend to him? I start pacing my room, and then I lay on my bed so I can calm down. I take out my cell phone and text him, and he still doesn't answer. I wait a few minutes and then I call Ivan, and he doesn't answer either. 

There's a knock at the door and my mom goes open the door, and I listen so I can find out who it is. Then I catch his scent, Zack the hunter. How the hell does he know I live here? I listen to their conversation, and I hear as my mom lets him in. No mom, I think to myself. I hear her come upstairs to my room, so I run and jump out my window. I hear my rooms door open, and as soon as it closes, I climb up a tree near my window, and I jump back inside my room. That was close... My phone starts ringing and I run to it and answer it without even looking to see who it is. 

"Hello?" I ask.

"Katy where are you?" My moms voice answers. Great...

"Oh... um I'm in my room," I reply. 

"I went to look for you but you weren't there."

"It's just I don't want to see the person that is downstairs."

"Why? What did he do?" She asks.

"Mom it's so hard to explain... I'll tell you someday."

"Well he said he just wants to talk to you."

"Fine, I'm coming right now."


I really don't want to see him, just by looking at him it feels like he's going to pull out a knife and kill me in my own house. I slowly climb down the stairs and when I see him sitting on the couch texting someone I start getting scared. What if he's texting someone that he's about to kill a werewolf? I clear my throat and he turns to look at me, and I smile comes across his face. 

"Hey," He says standing up and walking over to me. 

"H-hi... What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I-I want to talk to you."

"About what?"

"Can we go somewhere else... Like outside?"


"Why are you scared?" He asks looking at me suspiciosly. If he knows I'm scared he'll know I know he's a hunter... so I have to act brave. 

"Who said I'm scared?" I reply.

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