Chapter 9

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Hi guys :) So I'm really enjoying writing this story, but nobody ever comments so I don't know what overs think of it. So please Comment AND Vote.

Please!! ;D <3 But anywayssss I love y'all! <3

(Pic of Raul Jimenez) *Alpha*

~Mexican Writer ^.~




Chapter 9 (Katy's POV):

"So how are you and Pedro?" Karina asked winking.

"Great," I smiled.

"Mhmm... It's pretty obvious you guys are in love. You guys are too cute," she grinned.

"Thanks, I really do love him."

"He can't keep his eyes off of you. Have you guys... You know- done it?"

"Uh-... Yeah."

"Omg! Was it good?"

"Yeah. Actually he makes me feel... I don't know how to explain it," I smiled.

"That right there is the feelings you get towards your mate."

"Did Ivan mark you?"

"He can't yet, but when we met a few months ago we had this attraction to each other so we knew we were mates. He'll be able to in about a month."

"Do you want to... have a baby?"

"Well... Actually I do. Because usually werewolves only last a month pregnant so yeah..."

"Only a month?"

"Yup, that's a good thing about being a werewolf."

"Can- Wait nevermind."

"Come on what were you gonna ask?" Karina pleaded.

"C-can a human get turned to werewolf?" I blurted out. Karina stared at me with a shocked expression before she answered me.

"Yeah, the Alpha has to give you 'the bite'" she replied after a while.

"Bite you where?"

"From what I've heard, I think your hip or side. Do you want to be.... A werewolf?"

I honestly didn't know what to answer her. Did I really want to be a werewolf? Pedro has told me werewolves don't age much, and that worried me... I wanted to be with Pedro my whole life. The only way was to be a werewolf like him.


"Why? I mean it's not a bad thing but... what do you think Pedro would say?"

"I want to be with him. Always. I haven't told him..."

"Well I think you should think it through first and learn more about werewolves. Ask anything you want."

We spent about an hour and a half talking about werewolves and I was surprised at a lot of things. We changed into our pajamas, and I put on my sleeping shorts on with my silk tank top on. I really needed to use the bathroom so I quietly closed the door since everybody else was already asleep. I walked down the hallway and wondered where Pedro was. I was about to open the door to the bathroom when somebody flung it open revealing a shirtless Raul Jimenez. He looked down at me, and moved out of the way so I could go in. I felt horrible... I need to apologize.

"Wait," I whispered. He turned to me and looked me right in the eyes, his eyes looked so sad. "I'm sorry for being rude." He studied me and I looked back at him.

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