Chapter 12

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Hey guys (:

What do you think so far? What do you think is gonna happen? D:

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Thanks for reading.... ;)

(Pic of Aracely)




Chapter 12(Katy's POV):

'Wake up!' I hear a little voice say in my head. I keep struggling to wake and finally I open my eyes. As soon as I do my wrists burn and I notice I'm tied up, from the smell of it my wrists have silver. I look around and the room I'm in is actually really pretty, but I'm tied up on the bed. I realize that my wolf was trying to wake me up because she tells me how I've been out for almost 4 days. I need to get away. But how ? As I sit there thinking somebody swings the door open and a young guy comes in. He's a Vampire. He looks at me then reaches out to touch my face, I growl and he smiles down at me.

"You're just like her," he grins.

"Like who?" I snap.

"Like my mate."

"Why am I here?" I ask sadly.

"Don't be sad. I'll protect you and I'll give you everything you want ," he replies untying my wrists.

"But why am I here?"

"You're here to be with me."

"No. I don't want to. I need to go back to my mate," I whimper and he studies me.

"You're mine now."

I don't answer him anything and I feel my tears come out freely. He bends down and grabs my chin making me look up at him.

"Don't cry Katerina," he whispers wiping my tears.

"That's not my name. I'm Katy."

"No you're Katerina," he says kissing my neck. I push him away and he growls. He pulls my hair away from my neck and notices my mark.

"Please let me go," I cry.

"No. I need to do something to you."


"You need to dye your hair blonde."

"What?! Why?"

"That's how her hair was."

" I'm not her," I growl. He unties my feet and locks the door and I start getting scared.

"You're mine," he smirks climbing on top of me. I try pushing him away but he won't budge. Before I know it he crashes his lips onto mine. I don't respond and he growls and I notice his eyes turning red. I quickly kiss him back and he groans. He grips my hips as he starts kissing my neck and I feel disgusting. When he rips my clothes off I start to get scared.

"W-what are you doing," I ask as he touches my bra. He unclasps my bra and growls at the sight of my breasts. I try covering myself up but he pulls me against him. He slides his hands over my butt and I feel like puking. He slowly takes my panties of and looks at my womanhood.

"Spread your legs," he says huskily sitting up. As soon as he gets off of me I jump off the bed and shift into my wolf. I jump out the window and feel glass cut my back. I land on the ground and I quickly look around and spot some woods. I hear someone yell behind me and run as fast as I can. I keep running until I'm tired and as I stop to rest I'm tackled to the ground by another wolf. It's a male and I notice other wolves behind him, I don't fight back and he lets me go. He goes behind a tree to shift and then a teenager comes out with blonde hair and hazel eyes. Where the hell am I?

A trip to rememberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora