Chapter 22

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Hey guyss! ;D

I hope you guys are enjoying reading this story so far. And thanks for reading it.

So like does anyone else watch Teen Wolf? Cause that's my favorite show and it seems like no one watches it. But the past two episodes have been so SAD. 2 of the characters died and I was bawling my eyes out because that's how much I LOVE TEEN WOLF <--Best Show Ever

#RIPAllisonArgent   #RIPAiden   :'( 

Did y'all watch Divergent? I did! It was sooo good! :)

Please Comment and Vote! :)

(Pic of Shanty ->)

~Love MexicanWriter <3




Chapter 22(Katy's POV):  

The whole ride was so boring and I can't get Pedro out of my head. We just got off the airplane and my parents called to let us know that they're coming, but they got stuck in traffic so their going to be a bit late. I sit down on a bench and look around at all the people passing by. I wish I was in Pedro's arm, I miss him so much. I wonder what he's doing right now...

"Are you okay?" Juan asks sitting next to me.

"Yeah," I sigh crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Katy!! Juan!!" A voice yells from the crowd. My mom. Lol.

"Hey mom!" I smile hugging her tightly. 

"I missed you so much," she cries and I wrap my arm around her. 

"Where's my little girl?" I hear my dads voice say, and I rush over to him and jump into his arms. 

"Hey daddy," I grin hugging him.

"We missed you," he smiles taking my things. My mom is talking to Juan and my dad goes over to hug Juan. I wonder what they're talking about. 

The ride back home is pretty awkward since nobody talks and it's fine with me because my mind is only on one person, Pedro. I need to think of a way to explain to my parents what is happening between me and Pedro. I sigh out loud and everybody turn to look at me. I smile at them and I ntoice my mom studying me.

As soon as we get home my dad takes Juan to his apartment and my mom and I stay alone in the house. I start putting my things back into my room, and I feel my heart break as I take out the picture that I took with Pedro on our first date. He's looking at me with so much love and I'm smiling. I don't notice my mom come in the room until she puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Who's that?" She smiles sitting on my bed.

"It's Pedro my....boyfriend," I smile sitting next to her.

"I see you got engaged..." She says looking at my ring and I blush.

"Yeah. He asked me to marry him."

"Do you like him? I mean you just met him..-"

"Mom I'm in love with him," I interrupt her.

"I don't know Katy... You're still too young and you haven't finished school. And he lives in Mexico..."

"I don't care mom. I'm not going to marry him right now, and I would still love him even if he lived on the other side of the globe."

"Wow... You really are in love with this guy," she grins. "Well I'm really happy you moved on and that you're happy."

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