Chpater 6

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Hey guys ! :D 

Chapter 6 is here *woot,woot*  

What do you guys think so far?? 

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~Mexican Writer <3 

Chapter 6 (Katy's POV) 

Gollllllllll!!!! I jumped up and cheered since Pedro was the one that made the goal. He sent a heart with his hands my way and some girls gave me dirty looks. I smirked at them and one of them mouthed "fuck you" but I just ignored her. Mexico is winning 1-0 and this is one of the best days in my life ! I have a surprise for the guys after the game that Karina, Camila, and I came up with.  

Gollllllllll!! Another goal is made by Ivan Ochoa the last minutes of the game. When the game ended the Mexicans went wild and Karina, Camila, and I went to meet them. I hugged Pedro and to be honest the sweat made him look sexier. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed me.  

"You did great!" I smiled looking him in the eyes. 

"I think it was because you were here," he whispers kissing my neck and I blush. I hear a cough behind me and it's Karina and I remembered the surprise which is a mini party at Camilas house. 

"You guysss!!" I yelled and everybody turned to look at me and Pedro looked at me confused. I nudged Karina to take it away and she scowled playfully making me laugh. 

"We planned a mini surprise party at Camilas house and all of you guys are invited!" 

Everybody cheered and Pedro kissed my cheek and Karina cooed at how cute we were making me blush.  

"Is she your mate?" She asked. 

"I'm pretty sure," Pedro grinned looking down at me.  

"What's a mate?" I asked. 

"I'll explain all that to you on the way to the party," Pedro said holding my hand and leading me to the bus. As we were nearing the bus a whole bunch of girls came out and attacked all the guys with hugs and kisses. As a girl wrapped her arms around Pedro I felt jealousy and anger. 

"He's taken," I stated pushing her away. 

"And who do you think you are," she growled. 

"His girlfriend," I snapped. Pedro pulled me back against his chest and I relaxed a bit, and the girl left angrily. 

"Hey babe, calm down. Your the most beautiful girl I've ever met, I wouldn't trade you for anything." Pedro whispered looking me in the eyes. My anger started fading away and I hugged him tightly. "Come on," he said pulling me towards the bus. 

"I'm sorry," I mumbled looking at my shoes once we were in the bus. 

"There's nothing to be sorry about," he said lifting my chin up. 

"Did you really mean all the things you said?" I whispered as a tear left the corner of my eye. 

"Of course I did. Please don't cry," he replied sitting me on his lap. I leaned my head on his chest, I love him so much. But I don't know how it happened... 

"What's a mate?" I asked drying my tears. 

"It's a werewolves soul mate, you love them and their what completes you. You can't live without them." He explained, "And I'm sure you're my mate." 

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