Chapter 10

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Chapter 10! Hello guys (: I hope you're enjoying this book so far.

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What do you think so far ?? ;)

Thanks for reading this story. For reals though.

(Pic of Pedro)

~Mexican Writer




Chapter 10(Pedro's POV):

"Pedro!" I hear a very familiar voice say once Katy goes to the bathroom. I turn and find my first love looking back at me and I stare at her. What is she doing here? She comes towards me and hugs me but I push her back.

"What are you doing here Aracely?" I growl.

"Chill... I came to visit you. My mate," she smirks.

"I'm not your mate."

"Really? Then why did we make love together?" She says sliding her hand up my chest. My eyes immediately fill with lust because of my horny wolf. But the only person I want to make love to is Katy.

"That was a mistake," I growl pushing her arm away.

"Would you fuck me right now?" She asks biting her lip. She's so thirsty...

"He'll no."

"Why? You enjoyed it so much the first time."

"I said NO. I have a mate."

" That pathetic human? You need a strong beta female."

"Shut up," I growl. How dare she say that?!

"It's the truth. But I'm getting you even if that means hurting her." She smirks before walking away. I feel like killing her, she's not getting near Katy. Where is Katy anyways?

"Have you guys seen Katy?" I ask the guys.

"No," they all reply.

"Where is she?" I say already worried.

"When did you last see her?" Karina asks.

"Before she left to the bathroom."

"When did you talk to Aracely?"

"While she was in the bathroom."

"Ohh.... What if she saw you talking to Aracely?"

"Shit," I mutter under my breath. I can't believe I didn't think of that! "Wait where is Aracely?" I ask.

"She left," Camila says.

"What?! We need to find her. Now. She said she'd hurt Katy..." I trail off. She could be hurting her right now.

After searching for hours we couldn't find anything. I was freaking out and when I went in the kitchen I found her heels. I caught the scent of the alpha too, and I stiffened. Why was scent around hers? I growled at the thought of her with him.

"Dude calm down," Jose says.

"How can I calm down when my mate could be getting hurt right now!"

"Bro we're gonna find her. Okay?" Jose says patting my back. I nod and we tell Juan and Katy's about the situation. Her aunt starts crying and Juan looks worried. We tell them to go home and they do.

We search until 3 am but don't find anything. They try to calm me down but I can't, Ivan and Jose stay in my house but none of is can sleep.

Eventually I fall asleep though.

A trip to rememberOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz