No More Trust ...

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(Pixilneko: Hello my lovely small family! I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will see you at the end, enjoy! <3)


 It's been a week now... I wish I could scream and cry out... but I can't.... I wish I wasn't so full of jealousy when I did it... I wish I wasn't so stupid.... I wish I would have thought everything out.... but I didn't.... and now....... now I could just die..... but because I'm a parasite... means I can't.... because if I die..... my soul will just find a new body... and I?... I will just wake up in that  new body... but same old thoughts......Maybe if... I could try..... to say something.... but nothing will work.... I can't escape.... I can't see him..... all I want is him.... but now.... I've got nothing...... everything I had... is gone.. all because I trusted him.... but now.... I have no trust for any one or anything...... I don't know how I could have been that stupid.... but I was.... I'm so cold... it's so dark.... and all I can see..... is the glow in my soul..... my body is hurting.... my soul feels like shattering... all I want is to see him again.. to feel his warmth... I want to hear his voice... but all I hear is the screams of my past..... no more trust... no more hope... no more love.. no more warmth... just me.... and my thoughts.... all alone.... with no one to hold 


??? POV

I feel the rush of pain in my cheek as he slaps me "HOW COULD YOU I TRUSTED YOU!" he yells out tears in both our eyes "I'M SORRY!" I yell "SORRY DOESN'T FIX WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" He then calls security to take me out of the hospital 'I'M SORRY!' but I say nothing, I deserve this... no I deserve much more than this...... I should just die and burn in hell for my punishment.... but I can't die.

??? POV

I cry hard as I hold on to him "shh it's okay..... we talked about it... I promise... it's all okay" he then hums to me making me calm down "w-why? w-w-would he d-do that?!" I cry out. He just sings to me and lets me rest, but all I can think about is what he had done to him, but why would he?.... is it because of what I said or did? 

(Yes I know non of that made any since to me either!) 


I hold Opal and Cil in my arms and hum quietly as Fresh sleeps "twinkle, twinkle little star how I wonder........... how I wonder......" I then hear a small knock on the door "come in!" the door opens I look to see Amber, Ink, and Error "where's Goth and Palette?" Ink shrugs and walks over to me "aw how are my little angles?" I sigh "you do remember that they are MY sons witch makes them MY angles" Ink then rolls his eyes and smile "I know but they are my grand babies" I nod and look up at Amber who looks slightly off "hey Amber.. are you okay?" she just slightly nods and looks down "no I'm really not.... I feel... I feel like something bad is going to happen..... but I'm not sure..." I frown and look down at my sons "yeah.... I know what you mean.... I feel that too..." I then let out a small sigh and look over at Fresh 'something is going to happen..... I can feel it.... so I need to protect him and our sons with my life.... no matter what happens I will always be here with you my Love' I look back down to see Opal and Cil looking at me "hey there little guys, did my little angles sleep good?" I kiss both of there foreheads and smile 'oh my sweet sweet little angles~'  

Windy POV

I look at the time and sigh 'HOW MUCH LONGER DO I HAVE TO WAIT IN THIS GOSH DARN LINE?!' I get my phone out and decide to text Amber

W- Yo I'm so bored I'm in line for a plain so I can get over there!   

A- Nice I can't wait till you get here!

W- I know so tell me all about Fresh and his baby!

A- By baby do you mean Pj... or the twins?

W- Both -3-

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