Character Intros Pt.6 - Artorias

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Following up, we have a reincarnated hero, Artorias. Also known as Artorias the Abysswalker, he was a proud knight of Gwyn many years ago. He was a commander, who led the charge against the dragons during the Age of Fire. Eventually, the Knights of Gwyn dissolved as the Age of Fire ended, and so he roamed the land fighting off the darkness that would soon become known the be "The Abyss". Eventually he was corrupted by the very thing he fought against, becoming little more than a rage fuel beast, killing any who approached him. However, one day, his soul was able to be freed, when an unknown warrior was able to prevail against his flesh, cutting him down, breaking the Abyss's control over him.

However, it seemed the gods had other plans for him, as he awoke, not only alive, but reborn, with new flesh, but the same damaged soul. After discovering, that the world having a knew was gone, Artorias decided to live out his life, avenging all the souls he spayed during his time as a monster, and to ensure that the Abyss, was truly gone.


Before anyone says it, yes. My friend decided to play as a Dark Souls boss.
Though, honestly, I thought it was awesome, and even went along with adding some hidden Easter eggs around Naver, as well as some other neat things in the party's campaign.

Though, he is extremely nerfed (currently), for you fellow DS fans, don't worry, I got plans for this one 😈

His appearance:

His appearance:Unknown/never-takes-off-armorHumanMale

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Class is "Fighter/Knight".

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