42 - The Specialists

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"Mister Tweed! Why are you calling me, I was going to report in as soon as there was news?"

"Where are you, I hear gulls?"

"With Gunther, on his boat. We just returned from Cannes."

"How is old Karl?"

"Old." The giggle was mischievous and muffled.

"I need you to do me a favour. This is as well as what you are supposed to be doing now." A hint of reprimand drew a momentary silence on the line.

"Don't pout now." Murray soothed. "Nathan is exhibiting characteristics that are raising red flags and I think it would be prudent if we prepared a responsible Plan B."

"What's he doing?"

"Killing himself with his smoking and fixating more and more on the acquisition of the Agency funds that Richard and Monique stole."

"Wasn't that the reason for this whole exercise? The money I mean?"

"Indeed it was, Louise and it still is only I have decided that Nathan is no longer qualified to be a recipient. He talks very loosely of retirement from the Agency. We both know that just doesn't happen."

"It sounds like Mister Murray Tweed is assuming that role now. Qualified I mean."

"And those who side loyally with me, Louise."

"Aaaah . . . so what is this favour?"

"When I have located Monique and you have dealt with her, I want you to pay Nathan a visit."

"He's been your master for a long time Murray."

"Too long, my dear, too long."

"In that case I suppose Nathan Fischer should retire . . . or be retired?"

"Thank you, Louise, you will benefit most profitably afterwards."

"I look forward to it. Oops, Gunther's coming; I must go. I will call as soon as I have word."

"Tell him Merry Christmas."

Murray closed his phone and took a deep breath. Things were coalescing nicely. He knew that Richard would be contacting Monique at some point, as he said. Otherwise why bother with his rescue at the Tremblay villa? The odds of him running off with the young woman with the boat seemed slim at the moment. He knew that as long as Monique was around he would never be totally free; keeping her alive and on a short leash was the best plan.

The call to the hotel should have been enough to shatter any complacency she might have been feeling. His diggers had done an excellent job in tracking her down in spite of the new cover and appearance. Murray was eager to see the result himself. It shouldn't be long.

When he felt comfortable enough he would pass her location on to Louise. Meanwhile, he would let her churn up the countryside and see what else was uncovered.


Breakfast was rolls and coffee in the room with Richard keeping a constant watch on the street in front of the rooming house where he and René had holed up. He sipped his coffee and turned at the sound of the bathroom door opening. She came out looking very unhappy and Richard felt the tug of remorse for how he had interfered in her life.

Money or not, she was a person with the need to make her own decisions, map out her own future to her satisfaction. He had landed with a thump and seduced her into abetting his materialistic plan completely screwing up her comfortable life.

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