39 - Escape

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Murray paid the taxi and then just sat on the lawn down the street from René's, studying the house and the surrounding geography. If she were alone then he would have to keep her quiet while he waited for Richard.

Killing her right away might be throwing away possible advantage regarding the money and make things considerably more difficult. On the other hand, if Richard is in there with her, things might go quickly and he could burn the place down avoiding any trace of his having been there, after getting the money of course.

The problem was the boat. "Where was it? Richard," he mused. His guess that it was Richard who helped Monique didn't bode well if they were together again and this woman was simply a tool in their plans.

He would bide his time and see what developed. He began walking down the street, past the house and across a small park to where he could see some shops.


Richard returned the rental and then walked to the marina where he had berthed the boat. It was still there, undisturbed. His luck had held. He cast off and started the engine, steering out of the marina and down the coast to Portoverene. The weather was a little milder but a wind was rising from the east and the boat had to run at an angle through the growing chop.

By the time Richard reached the dock in the Golfo Della Spezia and moored the boat for the night, the sun was just balancing on the horizon, a fiery glow painted the rooftops of the buildings around the small marina, and the temperature had dropped considerably. He jogged up to Christopher's and asked the young man sweeping the deck where he was.

"Inside, back office."

Richard thanked him and walked through to the office.

"What happened to you?" He asked, looking at the sling on Christopher's arm.

"A bad sprain. Another man looking for René. This one was evil, Mister Carstairs."

"He made you tell." Richard knew the answer as Christopher raised his injured arm.

"How long ago?"

"Two hours maybe."

"Did you call her?"

Christopher raised his arm again and gave an apologetic shrug. "I did manage to disable the boat he came in though."

"You are a genius, Christopher. It might be a good idea to close shop and disappear for a while." Richard dashed outside and dialed René's cell phone. He paced up and down as he waited for an answer and when she did his heart nearly blew through his chest.

"René? Are you okay?"

"She's just fine, sir. Why not pop around and see for yourself."

"Murray." His throat closed and he thought he might gag. "What do you want? She has nothing to do with this."

"Oh sir, please. I think you feel I can be easily deceived."

"I'll come; just don't hurt her, Murray."

"Don't dally, sir." The line went dead.

Richard took off a fast trot through the park and when he arrived he just stood looking at the house. There was no chance of a surprise and likely no chance once he was inside. Murray was just too damned professional. He moved up the walk and onto the porch, knocking and entering.

"Welcome, Mister Carstairs. Come right in. Sit down. Care for some tea?"

Murray was all over himself pretending to be chatty and gracious. Richard looked at René, sitting primly in a chair beside the sofa, her face taut with strain.

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