34 - The Swallow

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"Clean her up and see that she's aware enough when I get back." Jean did up his belt, pulled on his shirt and, carrying his shoes, left the bedroom.

Marie sighed and looked at the curled up body of Monique on the soiled satin sheets.

"He is quite a monster, no?" She said grabbing Monique's arm and hauling her into a half sitting position.

"That was a mild session, cher. When he comes back it will be even rougher . . . and far more creative." She dragged Monique to the edge of the bed and ordered her onto her feet.

"I- I can't-"

"Get up, cher; I don't want to have to add to your discomfort." She dragged Monique to her feet and pushed her toward the bathroom.

"Get that gown off."

Monique leaned against the wall and struggled to slide the gown she'd been forced to wear, off her shoulders. Marie pulled it the rest of the way off and pulled her into the shower stall, turning on the hot water.

"Oh! That's scalding!" Monique pushed her hands in front of her and backed into the corner.

Marie adjusted the taps and stepped into the shower with her.

"We are going to clean you all up, cher."


Jean met with his new team and explained what he had learned from their prisoner and what he wanted done.

"She was most forthcoming but I think she still knows more. When we made the unsuccessful attack on the restaurant she described the other patrons and one was a young woman, likely a local, because she headed down the trot toward the docked boats." Jean repeated the description.

"That sounds like the woman I saw!" One of the men exclaimed.

"What woman?"

"I was inside the bank when she came in. She went straight into the diretorre's office. I thought that worth watching a bit."

Jean looked at the man. "Very good, Pietro. He nodded with interest. "Daniel, take Alphonso with you get back to the docks and find out if she has a boat there."

"I told you we would look good, my friend." Alphonso steered around a slow truck and gave him a rude honk on the way past. "You were right and if we find this other woman," he made another gesture with his hand. "Maybe she will provide a little entertainment for us for a change."

"I think we had better just follow Jean's orders; he will reward our good work appropriately."

Alphonso pulled into a parking space on the marina lot and they both got out and started down the trot to the various marine shops and restaurants. After several dead ends, they stopped at S.J. Petrolia, marine supplies.

Daniel greeted the man leaning on the counter reading a supply catalogue.

"My friend and I are looking for a young lady who owns a medium-sized outboard, white with a dark stained, wooden prow cover."

The man looked up and the skin around his eyes wrinkled.

"You don't know very much about boats, do you?"

"What's to know? You know the boat and the woman or not?"

"From that description?" The man laughed. "I could count hundreds of boats that come in here."

Alphonso put a hand on his friend's arm and stepped up to the counter.

"I understand what you are saying. Maybe this is someone who has a berth here . . . a permanent berth."

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