Chapter 22 (Part II)

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"What song should we do?" Zoe asked.

" His about each team chooses a song and mom and dad judge?" Rydel asks looking at our parents.

" Yeah, we'll judge!" my dad said.

" Great!!" Rocky said. We all talked with our partner(s) and chose our songs.

"Who wants to go first?" Mom asked. I looked at Zoe and she nodded.

"Us!" I said standing up.

"OK what song?" dad asked.

"Can I Have this dance" I said. He nodded and waited for us to get into position. We got into position and Dad started the music.

Zoe danced over to me, when she was in arms length I grabbed her and pulled her in just as the Troy sang his part in the song. I waltzed Bella around the bus, which happened to have lots of room because most if the kids were asleep.

I twirled Zoe around a few times, and then did the while dramatic pull back in thing. When she came back to me her hand landed on my chest. The song was approaching the end so I decides to make it even more dramatic. I picked Zoe up and spun her around, like Troy does to Gabriella in High School Musical 3, I set her down spun her out and back into me again and finished by dipping her just as the song ended. I pulled Zoe back up and kissed her. Everyone stared at us in shock.

"Um.." Riker said.

"Gee...." Rydel said.

"Plan...." Ratliff said.

"B..?" Rocky finished.(A/NTBM reference Haha I crack myself up)

"Mommy, can we go next?" the kids asked. She was a little out of breath so I said, "Yeah you can go, I think your aunt and Uncles need to think if a better plan or song anyway." My siblings and Ratliff laughed, in a mocking tone.

I sat on the couch next to wife and waited for my kids to start dancing. The told their grandparents the along and they smiled.

My dad pressed play and Surfs Up stared to play. I grabbed my phone and recorded my kids dancing. They all did their own thing during the verses but during the chours they did the dance. It was so cute. I smiled the whole time. When my kids finished they came running to me. I gave them all a hug.

"Wow, Rocky I think we just lost!!" Ratliff said.

"Yup." Rocky said.

"I think we did to." Zoe said. I nodded and so did Rydel and Riker.

They ended up dancing next. The chose the song Everybody Talks, of course. We watched them do this whole dance that Rydel probably choreographed because Riker was a little behind the whole time. It was even funnier when Rocky decided to get up and get some food. He started eating an apple behind them in the most ridiculous way. We all died of laughter.(A/N it was the R5TV dance that they did.)

Lastly Rocky and Ratliff did their dance. They danced to I Knew You Were Trouble. I'm pretty sure I was crying by the time they finished because I was laughing so hard.

"Who won?" Ryder asked. We all looked at each other. I knew what was happening to.

"The winners are.... Ryder, Shor, and Juliet." My mom said. The kids were so happy.

"What's the prize?" Shor asked.

"How about tomorrow you can have ice cream before dinner?" I said. They Kids eyes became huge and wide.

"Yeah!" My kids said. They were so happy.

"OK, his about you go to bed now, its getting late." Zoe said. its a good thing they were already in PJ's.

"OK. Night Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa, Rocky, Rydel, Riker, and Ratliff." They said. They ran to their beds and fell asleep. I got up and closed the door to the beds on the bus because we were still traveling to Canada.

The truth is, the kids only won because well... their kids. We sent them to bed so we could find out who the real winners were.

"Who won?" Rydel asked. See everyone knew why they won.

"Ross and Zoe." My mom said. I knew it!

"Yes!!!" I said.

"The prize?" I asked.

" A date night, we will watch the kids." Rydel said.

"Yeah, you guys need some time alone anyway." Ratliff said.

"OK.!" Zoe said. To be honest, we really needed some time alone.

"Next game?" Rydel said.

"Yeah, what game?" Rocky asked.

"Apples to Apples!" Riker said. We played that for hours.

Let's just say, when our family plays apples to apples it gets pretty intense.

At the end of the night we ended up playing, Apples to Apples, Charades, Just Dance, Music Battalion, Clue, Act It Out, and last but not least Sing-a-bing. OK so if you don't know what sing-a-bing is its where to people sing a made up song. One person makes the song up randomly and the other person sings along with then without knowing what they are going to say. Rocky and Ratliff dominated that game.

We stayed up almost all night playing the games. We didn't go to sleep until after we arrived at Zoe's brothers ranch and put the kids into their rooms and visited with her brother. By that time it was already 5 in the morning, in Canada.


Hey everyone, how's it going? I hope you liked this chapter!!

I had fun writing it!!! Haha

QOTD: How big do you think Zoe's brothers ranch is?

Just a random question.

-Alyssa :D

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