"Here we go," Vincenzo murmured, leading us inside. He looked cute holding April. He was so tall and she was so small in his arms, like a little baby. His arm was under her butt and other arm was around her torso, holding her not too tightly. "Here," he said as we stood in the queue to show our tickets. He passed April to me carefully, I held her as he talked to the security guard.

"I wanna walk!" She whined, wiggling in my arms, "not yet," I replied, glancing at Vincenzo as he gave the man tickets. Once the man had checked our tickets, he let us in and we follow Vincenzo as we started to go into the aquarium.

"Wow!" April gasped as I put her down, holding her hand as we walked slowly. There were so many fishes swimming in the large tanks at each side of us. I and April were amazed. I switched on my phone, something I hadn't been able to do in a while to see forty two miss calls from Faith and fifty eight messages from her. I bit my lip, making a mental note to call her.

I snapped a few pictures, a couple with April and Vincenzo in then out my phone away, focusing on the sea creatures. April stopped, gasping at the tank. A large shark passed and she took a step back, holding onto her father's leg. He looked down and chuckled, pushing her to the tank. She shrieked as he moved her, I shook my head at Vincenzo, grabbing her and picking her up.

I held her in my arms and moved to the tank, placing my hand against the cold, glass surface. She did the same, her eyes filled with surprise as the animal came towards us, it's dangerous eyes looking at us, it's target. It thumped against the glass, looking as though it was glaring at us before swimming away, slowly.

"That was big!" I nodded, "yeah, it is. Come on, let's see the rest." We walked along to see turtles in the 'touching section'. The sign allowed us to touch the shells of the turtles. Me and April touched the bumpy shell of the turtle. April giggled as it reminded her of a show she had watched. I glanced at Vincenzo who was staring at us. I couldn't quite decipher what was going on in his eyes.

I looked away, moving to see the starfish. I touched it's hard, sandpaper like skin, as did April. I shifted her on my hip, my arm beginning to hurt. "It's so hard," April said, her hands splashing in the water. I moved her away to see the other fishes in the larger tanks. I looked back at Vincenzo who seemed more quiet than usual.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concern. He snapped his head towards me, giving me a smirk. "Why? You worried?" I rolled my eyes, putting April down so she could see the animals herself. "Can we see the other animals?" She was looking towards the other side of the room to see a crowd watching as the seals did tricks in and out of the water.

Not waiting for Vincenzo's reply, I took her to the crowd, holding her on my hip but she still couldn't see. Vincenzo came beside me and took her, placing her on his shoulders, her hands on his head as she giggled, "Daddy!" I hadn't realised I was frowning at this until Vincenzo spoke saying, "oh don't worry," I raised an eyebrow at him, going on my tip toes to stroke April's hand and she watched the seal show.

"I can be your daddy too if you want."

I know this man did not just say that.

I coughed, choking on my own saliva. I cleared my throat, my eyes widened. "That-that was inappropriate." He let out a deep chuckle, "you sure? Show me to the bedroom and we'll see." I was blushing hard and feeling incredibly warm inside. I was embarrassed and felt awkward and uncomfortable. "N-no thanks." The show ended and Vince said no more. He stood there smirking as he led us to a restaurant beside the aquarium.

We sat on a bench outside. I ordered some chips and a burger while Vincenzo asked for a salad and April asked for chicken nuggets. "Salad?" I asked Vince, watching him eat. "Out of all the food, you chose a salad?" He shrugged, patting his flat stomach, "how else do you expect me to keep this up?" I shook my shoulders, "it wouldn't hurt once in a while to have a take away."

He gave me a what-the-hell look as he chewed on another piece of lettuce. "Here," I said, pushing some of my burger at him. "Taste it."


"Try it, it's some good stuff."

"Yeah, papa, eat!"

He rolled his eyes, "you are acting as though I have never had a burger before." I pushed the plate closer to him. "Because you act like it, now eat it." He sighed, picking up the burger and hesitantly parted his lips. Groaning, he took a large bite and placed the burger down, chewing emotionlessly. He swallowed, taking his water and gulping it down quickly.

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for his reaction, "well?" He shrugged, going back to his salad, "it's alright. I still prefer salads." I rolled my eyes finishing my burger and my Fanta. I wiped April's mouth as she also finished her food and let her drink out of her juice carton.

I glanced at Vincenzo, almost chuckling at him. "What?" He asked, curiously. "You have a. ." I gestured at the corner of his mouth. Sighing, I grabbed a clean napkin and wiped the corner of his mouth, taking away the mayonnaise.


We went home after that and when we came back, it was dark. I yawned, waking up from the injection and stretched. I opened the door, closing it behind me as I followed Vincenzo into his house as he carried a sleeping April.

He changed her and tucked her into bed as she slept, kissing her cheek and telling her that he loved her as I watched in the doorway. We left the glowing room, going downstairs. "Well," I said, "I'll see you tomorrow if that's all you want me to do." He took a step closer as I took a step back, my back on the wall. "No, that's not all I want you to do."

I blinked, scared at how close we were. "Uh. .w-what do you want me to do?" He pulled a strand of hair away from my face. "I want you to let me kiss you." I gulped, my hands sweaty as I looked into his hazel eyes.

"I'm scared to," I quietly admitted, glancing down at his lips.

"Why?" He whispered back, his hands on the wall, either side of me, trapping me.

"Because whenever I kiss you, I feel love."

"Is that such a bad thing?" He quietly asked, our noses touching.

I nodded, "y-yes."

"Let's find out."

His lips brushed against mine, about to kiss me when a loud voice interrupted us.

"Eww, ya nasties!"


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