Chapter 30

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Louis's POV

Ever since Nicole had been rushed out of the room Harry's been sitting in one of the chairs staring at the floor.

He wont talk, he cried really hard after she left, but he's not moving. The slightest thing your going to get from him is him breathing.

We can't get him to do anything. It hasn't been confirmed on if Nicole is still alive or not. But we are hoping she survived whatever happened to her.

Its terrible the things that happened to her. She is such an amazing girl, she doesnt deserve the shit she goes through. Im not even entirely sure she's ever been fully happy. and that's heartbreaking.

Eleanor has been trying to get Harry to do something for the past 2 hours. Eventually she gave up. Poor Guy, he is so in love with her. If she dies, I wouldn't be surprised if he got in front of those train tracks again.

The doctor walked in. with the sound of the door Harry picked up his head, he immediately got up and ran to Dr. Boyd.

"Is Nicole still alive?!" he screamed at Dr. Boyd.

"Yes she is alive and awake Harry. She made it through. She is in room 207 on the third floor if you want to see her."

Without another word Harry sprinted out the door.

Dr. Boyd smiled watching him run to his true love.

Harry's POV

The minute I heard alive, I was releaved of all the emotional pain. She was alive, and even awake! I had to see her. So I ran to her room. The was to long of a wait in the elevators, so I ran up the stairs. As soon as I saw room 207, I slammed open the door, obviously scaring the crap out of Nicole, and ran to the side of the bed and enveloped her in a huge hug. She hugged me right back, tight. With how weak she probably was, she gave me a hug with all of her strength.

I pulled away and looked at her. She looked so unhealthy, but we were going to fix that.

We were both crying of pure joy.

"I missed you so much baby. I almost lost you. I will never let you out of my site again. I am so sorry. I love you so much." I told her.

She just smiled and pulled me by my neck and we shared a long passionate kiss. This felt amazing to finally have her back in my arms, to feel her soft lips against mine once again. We were finally reunited.

"I love you too." She mumbled against my lips.

I smiled for the first time in a long time.

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