Chapter 16

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Nicole's POV

I stood there staring at his lifeless body. I only attended his funeral for Liam. He was dressed in a black tux with a red tie, probably Liam's idea. I haven't cried over his death ever since I saw him hanging from the roof into basement last week, I usually only cry over Harry. Terrible, I know, to cry over a break up instead of your own fathers death. He abused me, and broke me, beat me. If he would have died before all of that, I really would be devastated.

"He was a good man." Said Kathy, a family friend. All I did was nod, I haven't seen her since mom died. What were Liam and I suppose to do? Where were we gonna go?

I walked over to Liam, he was crying. I just pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back. He nuzzled into the crook of my neck and just cried. I'm happy I can be here for him. Liam was so close to my dad, they always hung out, when my dad was sober.

It was time to lower him into the ground. I watched, emotionless, I was actually somewhat relieved. I didn't have to worry about him anymore. I just stared, I was handed dirt to toss onto his grave, I tossed it on the coffin and walked away without looking back.


"You sure you don't want a ride home?" Liam asked.

"Ya, I'm good."

Everybody had left except for Liam and I. I wanted to stay behind, get to be alone, just me and his grave.

"Alright." I watched him drive off and walked over to his grave and took a seat right in front of his grave, and stared at the grave stone.

Harry's POV

I was woken up by someone pounding on my door. I tried to ignore it and they wouldn't go away. So I threw myself off of my bed and stormed downstairs in just my sweatpants. I swung open the door,

"What the hell do you want!" I screamed. Then realized it was Niall.

"Oh great." I tried shutting the door in his face but he pushed it open and invited himself in.

"We need to talk." He said.

"There's nothing to talk about, my girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend cheated on me with you. That's that. Now get out."

"No. I can't live with the guilt anymore! She didn't cheat on you!"

"Niall, what are you talking about." I now wanted to hear what he had to say.

"I kissed her... She tried telling me to stop and she was trying to push me off of her but I didn't let her. She told me that she loved you, and not me. It was my fault."

"She tried telling me..." I whispered.

"NIALL? Why are you now telling me this?"

"Because I thought if Nicole wasn't dating you, she would want me. But obviously she doesn't. I don't think she necessarily likes me anymore."

"Well do you know were she is?"

"Uhhh... no I don't think so."

How could I be so stupid? She would never cheat on me, she tried telling me, but I wouldn't listen. I am such an asshole. I grabbed a shirt and my car keys and hopped into my car.

I stopped by her house, hope her dads not home. I knocked on the door 3 times until I decided that she wasn't home, I'll go check Eleanor's place. When I heard the door open.

"Liam! Where's Nicole?"

"Why would you care? Did you just realize she would never cheat on you."

I felt ashamed.

"Can you please tell me where she is? Is she home?"

"No, she's at the graveyard."

"What is she doing at the graveyard?"

Liam just shook his head at me, "why don't you go find out." He looked like he had been crying. What's going on?

He then shut the door an I headed to the graveyard.

When I pulled into the graveyard I looked around and I stopped when I saw her sitting in front of a grave. Is that her mothers grave? I parked the car and started to walk over to her. She was wearing a black dress, oh my god did someone die? I stood behind her and read the grave stone.

Mike Payne


Her father died. He died and I wasn't there for her.

"Nicole, I'm so sorry." I put my hand on her shoulder. She didn't push it off.

"Why are you here?" She asked not even looking at me, she just stared at the grave stone.

"Niall told me what really happened."

She continued staring.

"When did this happen?" I asked gesturing to the grave stone.

"Last Tuesday."

Last Tuesday.... That was the same night I thought she cheated on me. I feel so guilty. She always has something go wrong she never seems to be able to settle down without something else happening.

"How-how did he die."

She didn't even flinch at the word die.

"He hung himself. I found him hanging from the roof in the basement." She said this with no emotion.

"You found him?"

She saw her own father dead hanging from a rope. And I wasn't there to comfort her, I can't imagine how traumatized she is. I hugged her but she didn't hug me back. She just sat there staring at the grave stone.

"It's funny really, that now all I feel is hatred. Do you know what he did to Liam? He's never going to be the same. But when I found him that night, I didn't care like I should have. I only wanted to be there for Liam. I'm relieved he's gone. But Liam and I, we have nowhere to go." She glanced at me for a few seconds, then looked back at the grave stone.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you Nicole. I should have. You would never cheat on me. I know that. I was just going off of what I saw. Will you please forgive me? And maybe get back together with me, and move back in?"

"What about Liam?"

"We will figure it all out."

She just nodded. I sat there next to her, us both now staring at the gravestone. Until, scaring the heck out of me, she jumped up and started jumping up and down on the grave.

"YOU RUINED ME! DO YOU SEE WHAT I HAVE BECOME BECAUSE OF YOU! I AM AN EMOTIONAL WRECK!!!" She said screaming at the sky. She fell to her knees and then she crouched down with her forearms against the dirt and he put her head down and cried. She needed that.

I came over to her and brought her into my lap and put her head against my chest while she cried. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I picked her up, walked over to the car. I put her in the passenger seat, she put her face into her hands. I got in the drivers seat and I was bringing her back home. Now, her real home. My house.

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