Chapter 9

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Nicole's POV

I opened my eyes, and was immediately blinded by white walls and bright lights. I looked around and saw Harry, but something wasn't right. He had his head down and was holding my hand with both of his hands next to me. Was I in a hospital? What happened?


He looked up and I saw his face, his eyes were red and swollen, and he had bags under his eyes.

"Oh my god Nicole, you're awake!"

"What happened to me? Why am I in the hospital?"

"Do you not remember anything that happened?" he asked with confusion written on his face.

"I-I... no I don't."

"Well, that doesn't matter right now anyways, all that matters is that you're awake and okay."

I smile at him, what had happened? I had to have been serious. The door opened and in came a doctor.

"Nicole! Your awake!" she said.

"She doesn't remember what happened. Why is that?" Harry asked her.

"Harry can I talk to you for a minute, alone."

Harry's POV

I stood up and we stepped out of the room.

"One of the side effects of The Date Rape Drug is that you don't remember what happened while you were on the drug. So she doesn't remember anything that happened to her."

"Do I have to tell her what happened to her?!" I asked.

"With all of the stress that she is going through, I honestly don't think it's the time to tell her."

"So what "happened" then?"

"Say that she fell down the stairs at the party and got knocked out, I guess." Dr. Boyd said.

"Ok, I guess that will have to do for now." I nodded.

We walked back into the room and Nicole opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"Must of been a pretty bad fall." she joked.

"Y-yeah I guess." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Are you okay?"

"Ya! I'm fine... the real question is, are you okay?"

"My head hurts a little bit."

"You're gonna get better. I promise."

"Pinky promise?" she held out her pinky.

"Pinkie promise." I said hooking our pinkies.

Then that's when all the boys walked in, oh! And Elounor!

"Elounor!!" shouted Nicole.

"Nicole! I flew right over when I heard what happened, I'm so sorry... Da...."

"Guys! Can I talk to you for a minute, alone?"

"Ya, sure." said Niall.

I pulled them outside of the door and shut it.

"Uh, guys, we told her that she fell down the stairs."

"Why?!" said Elounor. "She's not going to be very happy with you when she figures out what really happened."

"Thats why she's never gonna find out." I said.

"You shouldn't be keeping this from her mate." said Niall.

"Nialls right lad, she should know what really happened." said Lou.

"Well she's not. Because she is going through so much stress right now, it won't be very healthy of she finds out. And you guys aren't going to tell her anything, got it?"

"Got it..." they all sighed.

We walked back in and Nicole was sleeping, but her eyebrows were furrowed, she was having a nightmare.

Nicole's POV

I heard a knock on the door and that's was my chance to escape this mad man,

"HELP!" I screamed.

Then I heard Harry.


Before Dan could do anything the door slammed onto the floor and i saw Liam, he had kicked down the door, how embarrassing is this i'm in nust my bra and panties, but who fucking cares, I'm saved.

I heard some muffled screaming and my eyelids were getting heavy, I felt weak, and I was getting light headed, the last words I heard though were as clear as day,

"Why do I always get so close to loosing you..."

Then everything went black.

I shot my eyes open and looked around. I was in the hospital, was that just a dream? What the hell was that?

"It's ok Nicole, it was just a dream." said Harry.

"It, it seemed so real... Dan...he...he... tried to rape me, but you guys came and saved me, it just seemed so real..." I said almost above a whisper.

Everybody gave Harry awkward looks. Then he looked at them and sighed. Then he closed his eyes and it looked like he was thinking, really hard.

"Well it's good that it was only a dream." He got up and walked out of the room.

"Whats his problem?" I asked everyone.

They just shrugged.

What is with everyone?

A/N: Do you think that somebody will tell her?

Do you want her to know?

What do you think she will do if she finds out?

Don't forget to vote or comment!! LOVE YA!

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