Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

I can't believe that Nicole's father kicked her out. I look down at her and she is staring at the driveway as we walk down it. She closes her eyes, and turns around to face her house. She looks through the window and I see her eyes tearing up, I follow her gaze and see Liam through the window. I swear I see him shed a tear. He looks down and shakes his head and closes the curtain walking away. Nicole stares at the window for awhile, closes her eyes and continues walking towards my car. I open the cars passenger door for her and she gets in. I jog around the front of the car and get into the drivers seat. I sit down not starting the car or anything and think about what just happened. Then realization hit me. this was my fault. If her dad hadn't seen me and I would have listened to Liam's gestures to go away, then this would have never happened. I feel the guilt stab me like a knife. But maybe it's for the best, she won't get abused anymore, she needed to get out of that environment.

I look over at her and she had her head down and she is staring at her lap. I put my hand on her thigh, and she looks up at me and I can't believe she still hasn't shed a tear. I give her a sympathetic look. And her lips starts to quiver and her eyes start to water, then she throws her hands up to her face and she lets go. I unbuckle my seat belt and bend over the arm rest and hug her in my arms. I never thought I would be in this position with her. I felt her tears soaking through my shirt. I hugged her really tight and she stopped crying and just sat there in my arms. She wraps her arms around my neck and gave me a huge hug. then she pulled away and I looked into her eyes, her bright blue eyes, and I leaned in, continuing staring into her eyes, and brushed her sideways bangs out of her eyes and smiled. She then smiled back. Thats all I wanted from her. So then I pulled away, fastened my seat belt and pulled out of the driveway.

When we arrived at my house my aunt and uncles cars weren't in our 3 car garage so I guess they weren't home. Then i remembered they were out in Australia making that stupid movie. Nicole's eyes got huge when she saw my house. I pulled into the garage and opened the door for her. She got out immediately looking around.

"Wow..." she said.

"Sweet huh?"

"It's amazing."

We walked inside and Nicole's eyes nearly popped out of her head. She was left speechless.

"So, um, where do you want to sleep tonight? We have a guest bedroom, or you could uh, sleep with me?" I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Guest bedroom is fine." she says. Part of me wished she would have said to sleep with me, but I knew that she needed to be alone.

I nodded.

I led her up to our best guest bedroom we had, opening the door we walked in and I put her stuff down next to the bed. She plopped down on the bed. She then looked at me and sighed. I wanted to know what she was thinking. I went and sat down next to her. I looked over at her and smiled. I earned a small one in return.

"You okay?" I asked.

She looked out the massive window and sighed. "No..." she said. "My life just shattered before me in less than an hour. and it's only 2:00 in the afternoon." Her eyes begin to water again.

"I'll take care of you Nicole. I won't let anything happen to you. I pinkie promise." I say holding out my pinkie. She looks down at it and smiles hooking her pinkie with mine.

"I will let you get some rest. You surely need it." I say. She then nods and gets under the comforter. I watch her close her eyes, and walk out of the room.

Nicole's POV

I woke up and had no idea where I was. I looked at my surrounding and memories came flooding back. I almost cried again. I looked at the alarm clock next to me and it said 6:24. I took a 4 and a half hour long nap. I got out of the bed and walked around the mansion. There house was HUGE. I had always known Harry was rich. He has always had the perfect life. All the girls love him, he's friends with everyone, he's got good grades, handsome, his life has to be amazing. I look around and hear faded music. I follow it hoping it will lead me to Harry. It gets louder and louder as I get closer and closer to a big door. I open it slightly and peek my head inside and I see Harry sitting in front of a grand piano and his fingers are flying across the keys as he sings, his voice is beautiful...

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