Chapter 21

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Harry's POV

It has been 2 hours since Nicole left. I'm worried sick. I've tried calling he over 10 times, texting her, leaving voicemails, I tried everything. All he was doing was going to go buy a few food items. And I knew that she was in the mood for Pringles probably 70% of the reason why she went to the store. I really was scared, she is always seeming to be getting into trouble. Something always goes wrong. What could it possibly be this time?

Nicole's POV

I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. I hopped into my car and drove off towards the local supermarket. It was about 5:00pm and I have been dying for a can of Pringles. Of course I used the old excuse of needing grocery's but Harry would have never let me leave if all I wanted were Pringles.

I pulled into the small grocery stores parking lot. There were only a few cars in the lot.

As I was walking towards the store I felt as if somebody was watching me. I just shrugged it off and continued walking into the store.

I walked out with 3 cans of Pringles and some other stuff for me and Harry to pig out on tonight. I even bought an Austin Powers trio package for us to watch tonight. I can't wait to feel him holding me again tonight. Just the thought made me walk faster to my car anxious to get home and see him.

Suddenly I felt a hand cover my mouth. I tried to scream, but the man held a blade to my throat and said, "If you scream I'll kill you right now and you'll never see Harry again. Now follow me."

I cried, tears streaming down my face. What did this man want? Was I going to die?

I saw the man open up a trunk to a car.

"Hop in honey." He said with an evil grin. I sobbed and slowly got into the trunk. I guess I was taking to long do he shoved me in.

"So you don't get any ideas...." He said holding up a piece of cloth.

"!" I screamed trying to get away from him. But it was to late and I was breathing in the chloroform and I passed out.


I woke up and everything was darker than usual.


I felt around and realized I was in a small closed space. I started to panic remembering what happened. I sat and thought about how to get out of this situation. I then remembered, I had my phone! I yanked it out of my pocket and felt somewhat relieved. I started breathing heavily, I was majorly claustrophobic. It started when my dad would lock me in closets for more than 12 hours at most. I just can't stand small spaces anymore. I was freaking out. I called the first person that I had in mind. Harry.

Harry's POV

I did the first thing that came to mind. I called Louis over.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey Lou, Nicole had been gone for almost 3 hours and she isn't answering anything and I'm really starting to get worried. Can you come over?"

"Ya sure. Of course. Do you think she's all right?"

"I hope so."

We hung up and about 20 minutes later of me pacing the floor Louis came knocking on the door.

"Hey. Has she called you back yet?"

"No. And I'm really starting to get really worried."

"It's alright Harry she's probably just stopping by somewhere else." Sounding unsure of himself.

Then walked in Eleanor.

"Hey is it alright if I brought her?"

"Ya ya of course." I said rubbing my temples trying to think of where she'd be. We all walked in and sat down on the couch. I guess we were all thinking because there was a dead silence. And everybody seemed to be staring off somewhere. Then suddenly I heard my phone ring from the kitchen. I shot up from the couch and practically tackled the counter grabbing my phone.

"IT'S NICOLE!" I screamed.

That made their faces fill with relief. It wouldn't be like that for long...

"Oh my gosh Nicole I thought you die..."

"HARRY!" She panicked into the phone.

"What? Are you okay?"

"N-no." She sounded like she was full on crying. "What's the matter? What happened?"

"Harry I love you so much, never forget that, never forget me, please help me...."

"NICOLE WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" I screamed catching Eleanor and Louis's attention.

"I-I'm in a trunk Harry. I've been kidnapped. Oh god this is such a small space..." The last part she mumbled to herself but I caught it.

"Oh my god..." I whispered.

"Harry!? What do I do??"

"Did you see what he looked like?" I was full on panicking. I didn't know what to do. I CAN'T LOOSE HER!

"Well, he had brown hair with some gray in it a very rough face and just, he was so scary... I'm so scared Harry...."

"No. Nicole. I'm going to find you. I promise you that. You pinky promised you'd be back. So you're coming back." I was full on balling now. I was finally in love and she was being ripped away from me.

"I love you so much Harry..." She started crying even harder. Before I could comfort her I heard the trunk open, and Nicole scream.

"Who the hell are you talking to?!" The man screamed. I swear it sounded familiar.

"YOU FUCKING CALLED SOMEONE? BITCH!" I heard him scream, and then I heard a smack and a yelping sound.

"HEY!" I screamed in the phone.

"The fuck..." The man said. "Who the hell is this?"

"You better not hurt Nicole. If you lay a finger on her I swear I will kill you with my bear hands." I growled into the screen.

"Ahh... Harry. It's been awhile. Oh and trust me you'll never find her, or me. She'll be long gone before you ever get to her. So don't even bother."

This voice, it sounded all to familiar.... Who's was it?

"HARRY! PLEASE HELP ME!!!" I heard Nicole scream.

"Shut up bitch!" He screamed at her.

"Who are you and why are you doing this?" I asked with my jaw clenched. Louis and Eleanor were right by the phone listening with confusion on their faces.

"You know who I am. And this just payback, for what you did. I told you you'd regret it. And now it's only the beginning."

I heard one last scream from Nicole, and the line went dead.

I stared at the wall in front of me when realization hit on who it was. I dropped my phone, still staring at the wall.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Eleanor screamed.

I just continued staring.


Still didn't answer.

"M-my uncles b-back.... And he has Nicole."

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