Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

It was impossible getting Nicole up this morning for school. She refused to get up. But I eventually dragged her out of bed, literally, and soon after that she got up off the floor and went into the bathroom. She's been giving me dirty looks ever since. It was pretty cute. It's lunch time now, and here comes Louis,

"What's up fart cakes?" he said to me and Nicole. "You guys still going to that party today?"

"Party?" Nicole questioned.

"Hazza... you didn't tell her?"

"Never got the chance. Nicole do you want to go to a party with me tonight?"

"On a Monday?"

"Ya, on a Monday."

"Sure." she shrugged.

So it was set she would be going with me to some stupid party. I hope she doesn't drink. I don't, I did once, hated the taste put it down and haven't picked it up since. I hope this party turns out okay...

*at the party*

"Truth or dare?" asked Nikki to Nicole. Nikki is the sluty type of girl, who has a different guy every weekend. She really disgusts me. But she seems to have this crazy obsession over me.

"Truth." said Nicole.

"Is it true that your brother and your father both hate your guts, to where they kicked you out?" Nikki said with an evil grin.

"Take that back." I said glaring at her.

"Make me." she said smirking.

I looked over at Nicole and she was staring at the floor. Something I have grown to learn that she does whenever she's trying to hold back tears.

"Come on Nicole." I said leading her away from our little game of truth or dare.

"I thought that I could have at least one fun night away from thinking about that." she said.

"It's ok Nicole, don't let Nikki ruin your night."

I looked around and saw a couple of my friends and Louis walking over. I'm pretty sure they all like me for me, but their real nice guys.

"Hey Harry!" said Niall. Then his eyes nearly popped out of his face when he saw Nicole. "And who are you?" he asked politely.

"I'm Nicole." she said sticking out her hand for a hand shake. But Niall had other ideas. He kissed her hand. Which made me incredibly jealous, but I didn't show it. Nicole just giggled, and blushed.

"This is Zayn, Louis, and Niall." I tell her.

"It's nice to meet you all." she said kindly. Then Niall looked down at her wrist and saw her cuts from earlier. He looked up at me with complete worry, and confusion in his eyes. I shook my head with huge eyes telling him not to ask about them. He just nodded and continued staring back and forth between her face her cuts and me, her face her cuts and me.

"Do you guys want to go play some pool?" Zayn asked.

I looked down at Nicole seeing if it was okay with her, she nodded so I said yes.

When we got to the pool table (Which was on the other side of the house) I looked for Nicole, but she wasn't in sight.

Nicole's POV

"Do you guys want to go play some pool?" Zayn I think said.

Harry looked down at me for permission and I nodded and he told Zayn yes.

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