Chapter 20

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Nicole's POV

Harry was still on the floor clutching his stomach, people were staring at us, obviously we didn't care. Louis was wiping the food off of his face and Eleanor was still cracking up.

Harry finally got up and sat back down in his chair.

"Well I hope you guys enjoy your sandwiches." Eleanor said to me and Harry.

"Do you want half of mine?" I asked her.

"Sure! Thanks!" She said as I ripped off half and gave it to her.

Louis was looking at Harry without blinking like he was waiting for something.

It took Harry awhile to figure out what he wanted he then said, "Louis. No. You decided to get everything on the menu on your sandwich. That was your choice. No."

Louis stuck out his bottom lip and pretended to sob. He leaned over towards Eleanor and laid his head on her shoulder, and pretended to cry. Eleanor continued eating her sandwich acting as if he wasn't even there. Louis started to scream/cry. He was attracting attention from the people on the other side of the food court.

"Louis! Shut up!" Harry said.

Louis just got louder.

Harry rolled his eyes and said, "if I give you half, then will you shut the hell up?"

Louis shot up, sat straight with not a single tear in his eyes and said, "yes." And stuck his hand out with a small smile.

Harry glared at him and took off half his sandwich and plopped it onto Louis's hand.

"Thanks Hazza!"

"Anytime Lou." Sarcasm written in his voice.

We all finished our sandwiches and began to walk around the mall.

We went into a few stores and bought a few things.. Then. The most amazing store on the face of the earth was in front of my eyes. BUILD A BEAR.

Harry saw me staring at the store with wide eyes.

I looked at him with pleading eyes begging him for permission to go inside.

He stared at me, shook his head back and forth, "fine..."

"YAY!" I screamed.

"Oh my god! I want one!" Louis screamed. Harry looked over at him his face telling him that he was a man, not an 8 year old girl.

He just ran past him and into Build-a-Bear, and Eleanor not far behind.

We all started with the animal. Harry picked a white cat, Louis picked a brown and white dog, Eleanor picked the light brown bear and I got a koala.

We went over to the stuffing machine and the lady told us to kiss the heart I kissed my koalas heart and I saw Louis, Eleanor and Harry all kiss their hearts. Then I saw a little stuffed heart in front off my face.

"Kiss it." Harry smiled.

I puckered my lips and kissed it purposely making a smacking sound. Harry giggled and handed it to the stuffing lady. She put the heart in his cats chest. She repeated this with all of our animals. Now it was time to brush and "bathe" them. I was pretending to brush my koalas fur when I felt little bristles on my head.

I looked over and saw Harry brushing my hair with the little paw brush.

"Sorry, your hair was a tad tangled." He said.

I just giggled then finished off.

"Yours is fat." Said Louis to me.

"It'll be more fun to cuddle with."

"Oi! The only thing you'll be cuddling with is me!" Harry pretended to be offended.

"Okay okay Harry jeez. Point taken."

"Glad I got my point across."

Next was the dressing up. I put my koala in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt and a tanish blazer over it. You can only guess who I based him off of.

I sat down at the computers to make its birth certificate when Harry sat down next to me with his white cat. It had a little white sweater with a heart on it, black jeans and a black beanie.

"Man styles, you've got an eye for style." I said eying his cat.

"It's supposed to be you!" He smiled.

"Harry! That is so cute I would so wear that!"

"And that's looks an awful lot like me." He said pointing to my Koala.

"That's because it is you." I said poking his nose.

I typed in Harry in the name box and everything it asked about him in the other spaces.

"A koala? Really?" He asked.

"Yes a Koala. Koalas are freaking adorable."

"Are you calling me a adorable?"

"I don't know am I?"

He just rolled his eyes and typed in Nicole in the name box on his screen.

Louis and Eleanor were already done and waiting by the door for us when we finished. Louis ended up paying for Eleanor and Harry stole my wallet when I wouldn't let him pay for me so he ended up paying anyways. We walked out and decided that we were all pooped, and headed home. Harry dropped Louis and Eleanor off at there house and we walked into our front door and immediately went to the couch. We both plopped down.

We sat there for about 2 hours then I realized that we didn't have any food. Well junk food more to say which is what I was in the mood for.



"I need to run to the store."

"Wwwhhhhhyyyyy..." He whined.

"We need food."

He thought about it for a second then moved his arm out from around my shoulder and said, "hurry back..."

"Alright. I promise I'll be back."

"Pinky promise?" He said.

"Pinky promise." I answered hooking my pinky with his.

"How about we never break a pinky promise that's like our thing. We never break pinky promises." He suggested.

"Ya! I like that!" I said grabbing my keys and walking out the door unknowing that that pinky promise i just made would be almost impossible to keep. Neither of us had any idea who happened to be lurking around and what exactly they were capable of.

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