Chapter 24

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Nicole's POV

It's been a week since Harry's uncle Jacob, I learned his name yesterday, kidnapped me. He started to feed me a little bit each day. I sometimes just want to die already. My emotions and mind will shut off for hours at a time. It's impossible to control. I can see and hear, even understand what's going on around me but I can't move or talk. Just stare straight ahead. And it gets worse everyday. Jacob will come in and rape me at least twice a day, I don't even try and do anything about it anymore. There's no stopping him. I'm still here chained to this god damn wall. Waiting for Harry. Waiting, just waiting.

Interrupting my thoughts, Jacob walked in. I was thinking, "here we go again..." But he had something with him today. It was a TV.

"Hello beautiful." He said the same damn thing every time he walked in.

I just glared at him.

"We're gonna watch the news. Your ALL over it!" He switched on the tv and there was the news reporter saying my name.

"Nicole Payne has been missing since last Sunday still no trace of her. Sources say that a man by the name Jacob Styles has her. But there's no evidence that this statement is true. Here is Jake Toms with Harry Styles, Nicole's current boyfriend with him."

Then the screen switched to this "Jake" man and Harry.

"So, Harry, do you believe Nicole is still alive?"

"Of course. I know she is still alive. And we're going to find her." He said very confident.

"Police are saying if they don't find her they are going to pronounce her dead."

"Then I will have to find her myself."

"So police are saying that you know who the kidnapper is? Is that true?"

"Yes it is. It's my uncle. I know it's him. But nobody will believe me. And note to you Uncle Jacob. I'm coming for you. And Nicole, babe, I'm so sorry, so so sorry, I promise I will find you. I hope he doesn't do what he did to me to you." He said tears in his eyes.

To late.

"Thank you for that Harry."

Jacob turned off the TV.

"Awwww isn't that sweet. He thinks he's going to find you." He evilly grinned at me. He walked over to the plate with the razor on it. He looked at it an kicked it towards me.

"Forget your promise. He's not coming back. Your never going to see him again. Might as well. Sweet dreams!" He said and walked out the door.

I stared at the plate. He was right, might as well.

I grabbed the razor slowly, and held it to my wrists and sliced. It felt amazing. I felt the relief flowing out of me. The pain, the sorrow, everything. But then it started going away. So I had to cut again. I couldn't stop. There was blood soaking my arm by now. I had cut over 20 times. And then Harry saying he was going to find me on the news made me stop. What have I done? He promised he would find me. I threw the razor across the room to where I couldn't get it.

Harry's POV

The camera turned off and I started crying again. I saw Liam glaring at me from the other side of the lawn. He believed this was all my fault. It practically was, and I feel like shit for it. Eleanor, Louis, Zayn, Niall, Liam, And I, have all been looking with the police. There is no sign at all on where she would be. We did find where she was taken though. It was by her car her grocerys were on the ground with 3 cans of Pringles, an Austin Powers Trio pack and a bunch of other junk food were in them. She wanted to have a movie night. We are going to have one when I find her.

If you find her...

What!? No. Your going to find her. I promised her I would find her.

"Excuse me. Mr. Styles?" A woman cop came up to me.

"DO YOU KNOW WHERE SHE IS?" I asked extremely excited.

"Um, not exactly. We are dropping the case. She had been declared dead. There are no signs of her. And if we haven't found her by now I don't think we will ever find her."

"What...?" I asked all my hopes just dumped into a blender. "You're giving up?"

"I guess if you put it that way, yes." She said. "I'm sorry." She walked off and everybody hopped into their cars and drove off.

I stood there and watched them drive off.

"FUCK YOU!" I screamed at the police cars.

"What did they say?" Asked Zayn.

"They said they were dropping the case because they think she's dead."

"Do they have any proof?" Asked Niall.

"NO. They were just getting tired of searching for nothing. There were no clues. So they saw it as a waste of time."

"Should we give up to?" Asked Zayn.

"NO!" I screamed. "GIVING UP IS MY LAST CHOICE." I said and stomped into my car and drove off, continuing the search.

Nicole's POV

Jacob had brought in the TV again.

"Hello beautiful. Your on the news again."

He switched it on and their was the same lady from earlier today.

"Nicole Payne has been pronounced dead after the case was dropped for her kidnapping. Police say that there is no clues on where she could be and gave up."

no. No. NO. NO!!! They gave up on me?! Did Harry to??

"WHAT?" I said.

"I told you they don't care about you. They gave up on you after a week. I told you no ones coming. Your going to rot and die here. With no one knowing what happened to you." He walked over to the razor stopped and picked up. He walked back over to me ad handed it to me.

"You might need this."

He left me alone with the razor. I stared at it and did what he wanted me to. He wanted to see me suffer. I cut up both my arms the blood seeping down my arms. These were going to leave scars. But it didn't matter nobody except Jacob and me were going to see them. So I cut more and more. I eventually made it to my thighs and stomach. I was covered in blood. But I didn't care. I raised the blade to my face and sliced a line down my temple. I tossed the blade to the floor and sat there for hours. And thought.

Nobody's coming for me.

I'm going to sit here and rot to death.

I just want to die already.

Harry gave up on me.

Everybody gave up on me.

I've even given up on myself.

I'm done.

I'm not going to try anymore.

I felt my emotions draining... Everything draining. Everything gone. Before I knew it, everything went black.

Harry's POV

I cried for hours when I got home from my 5 hour search for her. I walked over to my book shelf. And just skimmed over them. I started throwing them off the shelf. When I heard a loud thud hit the ground. My photo album. It had every picture of me in it ever taken. I picked up. I flipped trough the pages when one picture caught my eye. I flipped back to it, and looked at it. It was a picture of Gemma, me, and my uncle when he took us hunting when he was still normal. We were in the woods. And his old hunting cabin that he owned was in the background. That he owned that no one would ever find but him... The perfect place for hiding someone! The cabin. That was my next destination.

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