Chapter 6

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Nicole's POV

I jolted up off the couch hoping Harry didn't see who was calling me.

"I....have to uh.... go to the bathroom. Be right back." I lied.

I quickly made it to the bathroom and pressed the green button.


"Nicole. I don't want you ever coming back to this house. I don't want any whores living here. Every time I look into that ugly face of yours I see shame. I am so ashamed of you. I mean, you killed your own mother. How could you? You know how much she meant to me and Liam. You bitch. Me and Liam's lives would be so much better without you in it. You don't even deserve to live for what you have done. You tore this family apart. So I don't want to have to see your face again. Ever. Don't ever come back here. I forbid it. I hope you go to sleep every night with the image of your mother dead in the seat in front of you and I hope you know, that it was all your fault. I hate you."

Then the line went dead. I was crying waterfalls by the time the call ended. He was right I didn't deserve to live. Everything was my fault. I ran out of the bathroom.

"I'm going for a walk." I tried to day without making him realize that I was crying.

"Nicole what's the matter? Who was on the phone?"

"No, I'm fine, i swear." I faked a smile. "I'll be back." I said not quite sure if I just lied to him.


I had been walking for at least 3 hours trying to find them. I knew they were near here. I remember seeing them. I had thought about everything my father had said, and he was right. I sat down and stared at my destination. I was sure I was going to do this. There was no point in living when all I could think about was how I killed my mother. It was all my fault. So I deserved to die as well. I came to a conclusion that I really liked Harry, I don't think I loved him yet. I have liked him since he kicked Dans ass, I just never admitted it to myself. At least I would die with someone in my heart. I stood up and headed towards the train tracks.

Harry's POV

Nicole just stormed out of the house crying. Who was on the phone? What did they tell her? Where was she going? All I these questions needed answers. But my Aunt Amber always tells me to give girls their space. So I decided if she wasn't back in 2 hours I would go find her and bring her back here. So I sat and watched iCarly for a little while, a half hour had passed by. I was getting worried, but I still had an hour and a half to go. I hope she was ok. She seemed so upset. What if it was Liam calling her? Or her dad? I was pretty worried but I had to give her, her space. I'm really like Nicole. I'm not sure if I love her yet, but I know I like her a lot. I couldn't help but want to know if she was okay and where in the world she was. It's terrible how her dad blames her for her mothers death. It was their fault, it was an obvious accident. But I guess he just needed someone to blame it on. It's kinda weird how out pasts are somewhat similar. I like that. When I was telling her about my past, I could tell she actually cared. Nobody else ever had that look in their eyes, like the way she did. She understood. And I liked that about her. I wanted to know every aspect of her life, but I knew it would take time for her to warm up to me. I didn't want her to find my scars last night. I thought she would judge me. She is the only person that knows I do that. I'm pretty good at hiding it. But I was surprised to find out that she cut herself to. I had know idea what she was doing when she was pulling down her pants. I was very confused. I remember tracing my fingers across her scars, realizing how similar they were to mine. She had been cutting in the same spots over and over again. So her scars were layered like mine. I liked that I had someone like her in my life. From where we are now, I wouldn't be able to loose her. I cared for her to much. So I got up and went out to my car to go look for her.


It had been 2 hours since I started looking for her. I was so scared. Where was she? Was she okay? I was about to turn down another road, when I heard the sound of a train coming, off in the distance but getting closer, I was always interested in trains. I liked watching them pass by. So as I was driving towards the train tracks I saw a figure standing in the middle of the train tracks where the train was going to be in less than a minute. I immediately recognized the figure as Nicole. I jumped out of the car not bothering to close the door and sprinted towards her. What the he was she doing? Was she trying to commit suicide?

"NICOLE!!!!!" I screamed.

She looked in my direction and then looked at the train again the trains horn was blaring, telling her to move out of the way. But she looked up at the sky closed her eyes and held her arms out. Right as the train was about to hit her I jumped and tackled her, us both falling on the other side of the tracks. The train wizzed past us. That was so close. My knees were on either side of her and my hands were on either side of her head. I looked down at her, she had been crying, a lot.

"WHAT THE HE-" I was interrupted by her crashing her lips into mine. She pulled my neck down to her and I was completely surprised by this, our lips moved together slowly, but passionately. She put her fingers in my hair slightly tugging on it making me groan into her lips. I sat her up slowly, not breaking the kiss. Until she unlocked our lips, and rested her forehead against mine her eyes closed. She opened them after awhile and we stared into each others eyes. I pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear,

"Don't ever do that again. I can't bear to loose you."

"I won't." she said sobbing into my shoulder.

"Pinkie promise?"

"pinkie promise." she said hooking pinkies with me, a slight smile on her face.

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