Chapter 2- call to the office

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        She loosens her hug but doesn't let go. "I luv you, ugly bastard." I get butterflies in my stomach even though she says that to me all the time. How come I'm not used to it? How come it still makes me so hopeful?

         Why does it feel like she's leading me on, when I know this is all in my head?

         "I love you too." I said, hugging her completely and resting my chin on the top of her head. The only difference with us is that when I say those three words, I mean it in a different way.



"I'M WINNING THIS TIME!!!" Haru screams as she sprints to the bus like her life depends on it. Hoseok, Haru, and I do this every morning. Only two people can sit in a seat together on the bus, but there's three of us. So, every morning, we race to the stop. The two people who get there first get to sit with each other, and the last person has to sit alone. All three of us are fast, so it's pretty unpredictable.

Haru reached the bus first with one final leap. She stumbled on and cheered, happy with herself. Me and Hobi were tied, so before he could get on before me I shoved him to the side with a sinister laugh. I jump onto the bus as he curses to himself. I happily plop down next to Haru, while J-Hope sits in the seat in front of us. We are all panting heavily, trying to catch our breath.

"It's the first time I've won in the past 4 days!" Haru exclaimed. I give her a high five.

Before I can even speak, she launches into conversation. "Ohmygod, did you watch the latest episode of Strong Woman Bong Soon last night?! I was sobbing so much ohmygod, please tell me you watched it because I forgot to record!" She talks so quickly that I almost can't comprehend. Just then, guilt washes over me.

"Aish, I completely forgot about it!!" I whined, kicking the seat in front of me. "I was really busy studying yesterday and-"

Haru's eyes went wide. "Studying? For what?? Do we have a test today?!? I didn't study anything!!" She panics.

I flick her. "No, there's no test, calm down. You should know by now that I study all the time for no specific reason."

Her expression completely changes and she looks ashamed. "You seriously missed one of the most intense episodes yet for studying? When there's not even a test today?!"

I shrug and sigh. "I didn't remember that it was airing last night and I was bored."

J-Hope turned around from his seat and stands up to talk to us. "Who the hell studies for fun?"

I flick him too. "I study for fun, you already know I'm a depressing nerd."

"You were even reading a book at the party last week." He said, sighing loudly. "So sad." That time I smack his face and we get into a small fight between seats as he tries to hit me back.

We arrive at school a little while later, and there's 15 minutes of extra time before first period starts, as usual. Hoseok leaves us to go hang out with all his friends while me and Haru head to the cafeteria to quickly eat breakfast- which we both happened to not have time for at home that morning.

After stuffing ourselves with burnt toast and unsalted eggs, we went our separate ways to go to class. As I was walking to science, I see J-Hope in the halls. He's not alone, however. He's leaning on a locker, talking to an annoying popular slutty bitch known as Jihyo. I see her pull her skirt up a bit higher and I roll my eyes.

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