Chapter 1

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Laura’s POV

      “That’s a wrap!” Our director screams, signalling the end of filming the episode Directors and divas. Cheers burst out in response.

      “Excuse me everybody!,” Kevin, our producer shouted out, causing all heads to turn to him, “Heath and I wanted to congratulate someone for getting an amazing opportunity. Laura? Would you like to tell them what’s going on?”

Not knowing what to say, I just nodded and walked to the front.

“Well, some of you guys may know a British boy band named the Vamps,” I said, “Well, their manager contacted me and asked if I could appear in one of their music videos. I accepted.”

Heath then took over and said, “Since their filming starts in 2 days, our filming will be delayed for 3 weeks.”

I looked through the crowd and saw a disappointed looking Ross. My feet took me over to him, without telling my brain.

“Hey, Laur.” He muttered, sadly.

“I know you’re disappointed that we won’t be filming muc-“ I started but ross interrupted me.

      “That’s not why I’m disappointed.”

“Then why are you disappointed?”

“I-I just, um I can’t explain it.” He stuttered while turning around and walking away.

“Ross wai-“ I got interrupted by my phone ringing. It was Nancy, The Vamps’ Manager. (A/N Idk their real manager so let’s just say it’s Nancy)



That was the first chapter of somebody to me. By the way I do not own any of these characters, except for Nancy. Unless Nancy is actually their manager.


See ya later! -Kyrstyn

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