Chapter 27

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**A/N: Every chapter from this point on will be a time lapse as we make it towards the ending of the first book in the HEAT series. Please bear with me as I'm not the best at ending books. Up above is a photo of the pups currently. Other than that, please enjoy!**


'Where did you last see your brother?', Noel looked down at his son with as much of a stern expression he could muster in his wolf form to try and entice an answer from him. 'B-by the river I swear', Solvi looked away from his father finding interest in the swaying grass around his paws. Noel snorted in annoyance and began to head towards the river as he thought of where Drek could be, 'That boy will be the death of us' he thought to himself. Noel didn't know where he got it but Drek was far more adventurous than his brother let alone any other pups his age. Then again, other children his age were in human form and going to elementary school but in Noel's mind it gave him no excuse to act more primitive. As they reached the river the scent of blood flooded both of their noses causing alarm which had Solvi frozen in place while Noel was quick to follow it. At it's source there was Drek eating away at a rabbit, 'Drek!'

The poor boy flinched hard at his father's voice but growled nonetheless in an attempt to defend his food which didn't last long as Noel stormed forward and snatch him up by the back of the neck. 'What? I was hungry and it just kept running from me! I didn't mean to go this far I swear', Noel ignored his son's protest and continued his firm march back to the pack house where Alrric would have a nice long chat with them. Solvi followed slowly behind his father and brother keeping his eyes on his paws so not to see his brother's harsh glare for ratting him out, 'Are you gonna tell mom?' Noel glanced down at the pup dangling in his mouth before answering allowing a little sympathy to flow in his words, 'You dug your own grave.' Noel felt the small pup shiver slightly in between his teeth but it was too late for him to escape as they broke through the tree line only to find Alrric getting nagged at by Fay. "I can't believe you would let them play in the woods by themselves! ESPECIALLY knowing Solvi's problem of giving in to Drek!", Alrric sat in wolf form at Fay's feet with closed eyes as he tried his best not to argue back with his mate over such trivial issues. However, as Noel and the pups approached thankfully Fay's anger was diverted elsewhere, "Young man, come here now."

As Drek's paws hit the ground he stumbled forward towards his mother with a low hung head, 'Y-yes?' Drek watched as his mother's foot patted the ground as he awaited her rant but to his surprise she knelt down and brought him into her arms, "I love you, you know? I also love your brother and since you both are my special boys I don't want anyone else to hurt or take you away from me alright?" Fay watched her little boy's tail start to wag and a smile broke out on her face in joy as she watched him quickly try to cover up his happiness at her words, "Just deal with my possessiveness for right now, okay?" With a quick nod of the head Fay placed her son carefully on the ground and told her boy to go in the house for lunch and as she turned to follow them she glared at Alrric with as much loathing as she could at him. Noel glanced over at Alrric who was unaware to his cowardly posture of flattened ears and tucked tail, 'She won't be mad forever.' Alrric licked at Noel's face in appreciation as he took a moment to rely on him by laying heavily against his side as he rubbed his head under his chin, 'I honestly didn't think about something like them being taken as I let them go play.' Noel returned the physical affection by pulling his head back to lick the top of Alrric's, 'You just know how she's been since finding out that on top of Solvi being a male breeder, he's as well an omega. Also with Drek being an Alpha and more instinctual than usual she's just worrying too much of what will happen to them.'

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