Chapter 25

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A few minutes passed in awkward silence after Noel had left with the pups. In Fay's mind she was thinking of the pups and Noel, while Alrric was thinking of how to get Fay back in the mood. In an attempt he gently ran his hands up her thick thighs and around the small curve of her belly chub till he cupped her breast in his hands softly. "What do you think you're doing?", Alrric glanced up at Fay and gave a seductive smirk as he squeezed and massaged her now plumper breast, "Just admiring you." Fay rolled her eyes playfully at him and quickly moved down to connect their lips in a heated kiss that had ended far too soon for Alrric's liking, "We have to go and help Noel with the pups." As Fay moved to climb off his lap Alrric's large hands held her in place, "Alrric, what do yo-", her sentence was cut off by a strangled mixture of a moan and gasp as Alrric had rolled his hips up against her sensitive core. A soft growl left his lips which sent shivers down Fay's spine and before she could comprehend her situation she was left in just panties underneath Alrric's large frame.

"I want to be inside you again", Alrric's lips moved down from Fay's neck to trail heatedly down to her core, "To feel you around me." Fay watched with anticipation as Alrric hooked his fingers beneath the band of her white lace panties, "God, I missed the taste of you so bad." Fay threw her head back against the pillows as Alrric quickly moved in to devour her; swirling, sucking, rubbing, and nibbling. Alrric couldn't help himself as his eyes changed to the color of his wolf while he savored the honey sweet taste of his mate. He growled deeply against her now throbbing core which caused his sweet little mate's thighs to begin trembling as her hands gripped restlessly at his onyx curls. Moving his hands he gripped and spread Fay's legs farther apart before he pulled away panting to look over his mate's seductive body, "A-Alrric, don- don't stop." Fay watched as Alrric's muscles rippled under his skin as he moved to place himself between her twitching legs, "Shh, I'm giving you something much better."

Fay couldn't help but agree as he slowly rubbed the length of his shaft between her soaked lips making her hands automatically grasp at his forearms. As Alrric thrust into her tightened core making himself fit Noel received a shiver down his spine as he placed the pups down in the garden, "Fuck!" The words had slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it but as he looked over towards the pups they were just beginning to wake up fully. With the hope of them not hearing his foul language he quickly turned around and shifted so he too could join them in play. 'Warm, Wet, Tight', the faster Alrric moved the more his wolf took over and he noticed the same had happened to Fay as her eyes shone unnaturally bright up at him while her elongated canines flashed at him through her panting mouth. Letting himself slip more under the control of his more primitive side his hands lengthened into claws as he gripped tightly at Fay's quivering thighs to move them upon his shoulders to achieve a better angle at making his mate scream for him. As Alrric slammed deep into Fay in the new position she couldn't help but throw her head back with a whimper as she changed more under him.

Their heated bodies tangled together in ecstasy. They both had slipped under the control of their wolves and were nearly half-way changed and with the loss of human vocals the room erupted in pants, whines, growls and surprised yips. Easily sweet release came to them and soon they laid panting next to each other on the bed as they regained control of themselves. "Noel still has the pups", Alrric made a simple hum at Fay's sentence as his heart began to slow, "We should get cleaned up and go out there with them." Looking over at Fay's rising figure he knew there was no longer any argument for him to make and with a huff he hauled his muscular frame off the bed to take a quick shower which Fay joined. By this point, Noel and the pups were tired from running around and chasing one another and had moved to lie down beneath a tree when Alrric and Fay had made their way to them. 'Oh, so now you decide to join the party huh?', to Noel's playful sarcastic remark Alrric had licked the top of his head, 'Next, it's your turn. There's plenty of me to go around.'

Noel huffed through his nose and rolled on his back exposing his belly in a suggestive manner, 'Ew, not you. I meant our sexy little vixen.' Alrric's tail wagged softly behind him as he gave a small growl before shifting and plopping down next to Noel. Fay watched her mates with amusement before shifting herself to nurse her hungry pups. As she nursed Drek and Solvi she watched as Noel and Alrric wrestled with each other and not long after Fay had stood and encouraged her pups to follow her as she made her way to them. 'Come little ones, let's go see Daddy and Papa wrestle', Fay watched on as Drek easily caught up and kept her pace while Solvi tripped over his front paws and tumbled on his way. With a small shake of her head Fay turned and gently picked Solvi up by the scruff of his neck to carry him the rest of the way to her mates. As she reached her desired location she placed Solvi down on the ground and watched as he trudged toward his older brother to bit him on the ear before they fell over on top of one another in playful growls.

Fay laid down and rested her head on her front paws as she watched with love and amusement as her pups tussled around unbalanced as they played with one another, 'They're full of energy huh?' Fay looked up at the unfamiliar voice to see a white and grey wolf approach her, 'Yea, they get it from their fathers', Fay and the wolf looked up at the playing pair a few feet ahead. A light chuckle filled Fay's head as she watched the wolf sit on its haunches, 'I'm Autumn by the way. I'm here to ask Alpha if I can go on the next patrol of the border.' Fay nodded her head and waited with Autumn for a moment when Alrric would hear her, as they waited Fay noticed Autumn's tail sway softly in the long-ish grass as Autumn watched the pups play. 'You can go play with them if you want until Alrric gets a moment?', to this Autumn's eyes brightened up as she lowered her front half to the ground before nudging at the pups softly with her nose, 'I love pups, they're so cute. I help out whenever I can for the moms in the pack.' Autumn's tail wagged hard in the air as the pups climbed her head and attacked her ears, 'They seem to like you.' Finally, noticing a new person next to their mate and pups both Noel and Alrric made their way over with heavy breaths.

'Oh, it's you Autumn', the she-wolf lifted her head gently so the pups would slide off and not tumble, 'Hello, Alpha I was wondering if I could join the patrol tonight?' Fay watched as Alrric sighed heavily before flopping on the ground next to her exhausted, 'Can I trust you this time?' Autumn's ears laid flat against her head and her tail tucked slightly under her in embarrassment, 'Yes, I'm sorry Alpha it won't happen again.' Fay glanced between Alrric and the young she-wolf confused of the situation, 'Okay, as long as it doesn't happen this time.' The young she-wolf jumped to her feet with her tail held high, 'Thank you! It was nice talking with you Luna!' Fay watched as she ran off with quite literally a jump in her step, 'What happened before?' Noel half-listened to the conversation as he rolled around with the pups, 'She's just recently came into her wolf and she mistook a rogue as her mate and let her on the territory.'

Alrric watched as his mate tilted her head to the side in confusion and before she could ask any more questions he spoke up, 'She has a very bad sense of smell due to an accident when she was a pup and with her wolf having just came to her she mistook the increased senses as a sign of her mate.' Fay nodded in understanding, 'What did you do to the rogue?', Alrric laid his head on the top of Fay's shoulders as he answered, 'Well, I gave her a warning for not clearly telling Autumn that she wasn't her mate and a large bite mark on her shoulder for coming in my territory.' Fay rolled her eyes at him and watched as Noel licked excitedly at the face of Solvi who struggled to get away from his father's love. Alrric had turned to look as well and when Solvi let out a whimper of distress both Fay and Alrric watched as Drek marched forward on stubby legs and bit Noel on the nose. Noel yelped and stood quickly as he shook his head trying to get rid of the pain only to hear the loud laughs of his mates, 'Jeez, I was just trying to love him!'

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