Chapter 20

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**A/N: I apologize for the lateness and shortness of this chapter. I have currently been having writer's block as things in my personal life build up. However, I do know how this story will end and it's only the matter of getting there that I'm struggling with. Thank you for your patience and please vote and comment!**

Today was the day of the baby shower and the whole pack was going to be there thanks to Grandma. Alrric was already ready and was heading down to greet the pack as they came in, while Noel was having a much more difficult time on choosing his outfit. I was currently finishing up my makeup which consisted of chap stick and mascara. The simplistic look went well with my outfit of a dark purple maternity dress and black socks; any kind of shoes just ended up killing my feet so why bother. " me out here love", turning to look I saw Noel in a pair of dark blue jeans while he held up two t-shirts with a bewildered expression. One of his eyebrows shot up and he cocked his hip out, "Which one? I don't wanna look like I tried because it's casual but I do wanna look like a fit leader for the pack." I couldn't stop the fit of giggles that fell out of my mouth at not only his posture but his concerns, "Everyone already loves you, don't worry too much on it. Though, if I had to pick I would choose the black t-shirt over the plaid button up." 

He nodded and quickly discarded the unwanted shirt and threw on the shirt I chose, "Okay, I'm ready. Let's go?" I nodded and reached my arms out for him with a pout to which he eagerly walked over and helped me stand up from the small chair that I was seated in, "Thanks." Now with my stomach growing larger by the day it was bulging out to a human pregnancy of twenty-five weeks with twins. While I was only about three months into my fast-paced one so it was harder to move around especially standing up from a low seated chair. It was common for an average she-wolf's pregnancy to be five months but since I was a breeder my pregnancy was cut down a month so I was due here in three short weeks. Noel's hand pushing lightly on my lower back brought me out of my thoughts as he nudged me gently to the door where we descended down to the large living room that was now decorated with balloons, streamers, confetti, napkins, plates, cups, etc. It was in a blue/pink them as not to give away any hints towards what the twin's genders could be for the rest of the pack.

I smiled and waved to the pack as I made my way down to the bottom of the steps, "Thank you all for coming here. I am so delighted to share with you the great news of the fact we're having twins!" The small crowd within ear shot of my small announcement broke out in whistles, claps and congratulations, "The genders will be revealed later on. So for now please enjoy yourselves." Once I was done with my small speech I greeted people on my way to the kitchen where I smelt steak and barbecue ribs, "Oh, that's absolutely mouthwatering." My eyes closed as I took a large sniff of the food as I entered the kitchen, "Thank you, I take pride in my grilling." My eyes popped open at the familiar voice, my heart started beating frantically against my ribs as I took in Beta Scott standing in front of the sink doing dishes. "O-oh yea? Well I just came in here to get a plate", he chuckled and turned around wiping his hands off on a towel that was stuffed in his pocket, "Well here let me help you Luna." I shuddered at the tone he used to address me and simply nodded as he stepped next to me, "Come on, I won't bite. I just wanna chat."

 I smiled nervously at him as he placed a hand a little too low on my back to push me forwards with him as he moved down the line, "Baked beans? Corn bread?" I glanced up at him wearily, "Yea that's f-fine", shit if I didn't stop stuttering he would know that I was scared. I cleared my throat and straitened my shoulders to try and fake an air of confidence, "So, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" He looked down at me amusingly before going back to piling food on my plate, "Nothing in particular. Just how you and our pups have been?" Did he just say..? I eyed him suspiciously as I wrung my hands together in hope for a distraction. I'm sure if he did say that, it would be by accident and he would apologize right? He was normal though so maybe I misheard him? 

"My pups and I have been well. Just exhausted lately", he nodded and turned to me handing me my large plate that was nearly spilling over the edge. "That's good to hear", he noticed my look of surprise at the plate before chuckling low in his throat and wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he ushered me back to the living room where everyone else was, "You're eating for three now right? If you need me, I'll be in here cleaning up." Happy about escaping his grasp I nodded quickly and practically ran to Alrric's side on the couch where he had already been eating his plate. "Hey, what's wrong?", I avoided eye contact with him as I snuggled deeper into his side, "Just the pups." That answer seemed enough for him as he simply laid his arm behind me on the couch and turned to chat with a friend of his. I quietly ate my food as I watched the people around me laugh and smile as they talked to one another happily. Once done with my food, Grandma started the baby shower games which were just cute little things like guessing the genders through a vote, suggesting baby names and so forth to pass the time before I opened presents. 

Everyone was seated around me as I opened present after present; which there was a lot of. I had everything one would need for a baby by the end of it; diapers, bottles, wipes, baby powder, baby oil, etc. I had teared up a little bit at the generosity and love the pack had already shown to my unborn pups. "Okay! Cake time!", my Grandma clapped loudly before she moved in the kitchen to roll out two separate cakes. They were honestly adorable; they both were white with little pink, purple, yellow and blue polka dots littered all over them with two small banisters on each saying, "Baby A" and "Baby B." Noel and Alrric helped me stand from the couch before I waddled my way over to the cakes, "Now, each father will cut into either one of the cakes." I giggled softly as I stood behind the small cart used to wheel the cakes in with a large plate in my hands ready to receive two pieces of cake. 

Alrric was the first to move as he grabbed the knife for his cake and cut out a large piece, the air filled with excited tension as he slowly pulled the piece away to show a baby blue inside. Everyone shouted with excitement as Alrric placed the piece on my plate, "So far, one baby boy!" Grandma's voice hushed everyone as the eagerly watched as Noel did the same showing baby blue inside the other cake, "Two baby boys! Congratulations!" Howls went up as people whistled and clapped with excitement, I giggled as Noel placed his piece next to Alrric's on the large plate. I sat the plate down and with a fork gave each of my mate's a bite of cake their eyes were bright with happiness and excitement as they moved behind me laying a hand each on my back. Alrric's hand rose in the air as he cleared his throat to get the attention of the room, "Now, I have a surprise for Fay. Noel and I helped put this together for you after we heard the news." A smile broke out on my face as Noel's hands covered my eyes and Alrric ushered all of us up the stairs and onto the Alpha's floor. 

My hands rubbed soothing circles on stomach as I waddled left and right till we stopped, everyone was hushed quiet as Noel lifted his hands away from my eyes just in time as Alrric opened a door. A gasp left my mouth as I took in the small sun-lit room; the white walls had a small mountain design behind two identical cribs while a dark grey nursing chair sat next to it. I edged further into the room my hands tracing the light-brown wooden dresser placed next to the door, "It's......" I turned to look at my mates and there in that moment I swore I saw a glimpse of heaven; they both stood leaned against either side of the door frame, Noel's hands in his front pockets while Alrric had his arms crossed over his chest, they both had loving smiles on their faces as they judged my reaction with warm eyes. A sob broke out from between my lips as my vision quickly blurred with heavy tears, Noel hurriedly moved next to me rubbing my back as he pulled me into his side. "If you don't like it, we can change it", I glanced over at Alrric who had a frantic expression on his face as he looked around nervously at the waiting pack members behind him. I laughed lightly as I pulled away from Noel to pull Alrric into a big hug or well the best hug I could with my stomach between us, "It's perfect, thank you so much! I couldn't ask for anything better!" Alrric audible sighed in relief which caused the pack to break out in chuckles and giggles as I pulled back to smile lovingly up at him. 

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