Chapter 23

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**A/N: I'm so sorry for the lateness and shortness of this chapter! I have had a lot on my plate personally but have nonetheless been slowly adding to this chapter when I could and now it's published for you all to read. I appreciate the comments so much! I like to be interactive with you all as my audience and know what you all think as the story progresses. Please enjoy!**

"Luna, you are to be released today. However, you are to be on bed rest until the pups are born", Fay nodded her head in acknowledgement as Noel grabbed the stacks of papers out of Dr. Henderson's hands which described her condition, what she should eat, what she could do, and etc. The strawberry blonde doctor flashed a bright smile towards his Luna before turning and exiting the room to give them the personal time they needed as they prepared to leave. "I'll go and get the vitamins from the desk and sign her out", Alrric nodded and turned to very gently lift Fay from the bed and into his arms before walking her out of the room and towards the main floor. 'You guys talk about me like I'm not there', in her condition Fay was overly emotional and Alrric knew this and was quick to calm her nerves so she wouldn't get worked up, "No, sweetie it's nothing like that. We just want you to focus on being strong for the pups right now, so we'll handle every little thing we can to make it easier for you." Fay's heart swelled quickly with emotion and if she could she would've been tearing up at Alrric's sweet words but instead a low whine left her throat. While Alrric moved Fay to the room Noel was tackling not only the paperwork for Fay and the pups along with getting her vitamins and making sure she doesn't overexert herself but he was also dealing with planning Fran's funeral. He loved his mate and was eagerly taking on the challenge to do whatever he could to make her at ease but in doing so he was running himself ragged. 

After getting everything he needed to at the nurse's desk Noel half-jogged his way up two sets of stairs to get to their bedroom to help Alrric in setting Fay up. However, as he approached the door Alrric quickly opened it and stepped out, "Is something wrong? I have everything for Fay here." Alrric's stone face crumbled into one of concern and worry as he took note of Noel's worsening condition of fatigue, "Noel." His name being called in that tone broke him, the tone that Alrric knew would make him crack open. It was a very soft and soothing tone that edged Noel's true emotions out no matter how hard he wanted it not to, "Come here." Alrric opened his arms wide and engulfed Noel's body in welcoming warmth, "Tell me what's wrong?" Noel gripped tight at Alrric's shirt as he bit his lip hard enough to draw blood as he tried to hold back his useless complaining. 

Noel didn't want to bother Alrric or Fay with any more problems than what was already on their plate, "Its okay. I'm okay, just...tired that's all." Alrric couldn't help the whine that left him as he nuzzled his head in the crook of Noel's neck, "I know you're lying. Please, don't lie to me. I'm here for Fay and you, don't ever forget that." That just pushed Noel over the edge and he spilled everything; his anxiousness, anxiety, stresses, and nervousness that continued to assault his every decision. No words were spoken as Alrric very softly moved to cup Noel's wet and red cheeks and there they stayed for a moment looking into each other's eyes; searching. Noel found the trust, love, comfort and assertion that was all there for him. While Alrric found every emotion under the sun swirling in his mate's rich brown eyes, "I love you. I'm here for you like I am for Fay. Please don't take this all on by yourself. We have mates for a reason dummy, lean on me." All Noel needed was those words as he lunged himself forwards to connect their lips in a tangle of tongues as he poured all of his feelings into that one decided movement. 

Alrric was the one, for once, that had to pull back for air and as he tried to catch his breath only then did he notice that Noel had dropped the entire stack of papers and bottle of vitamins all over the floor. "I guess we should clean this up", Noel let out low laughs as he and Alrric bent and cleaned up their mess before entering the room to find a sound asleep Fay curled on the bed with her nose tucked under her tail. They moved quietly around the room as Noel stacked the papers by the bed side while Alrric stripped and shifted so he could curl up next to Fay on the bed. Once done, Noel glanced over at his two mates and smiled softly at the butterflies that still erupt in his stomach every time he looks at them. He turned to leave but a very faint voice in his head made him stop, 'Noel...for Grandma, she wanted to be cremated and buried with an ass tree seed.' Noel turned over his shoulder to find that Fay had fallen right back to sleep and with a soft chuckle he turned back around and exited the room. Noel was happy to have some direction on what to do, it had eased his mind and he knew that Fay would feel much better knowing she had helped in giving her grandmother the release into the stars the way she had wanted to go. 

When Alrric woke it was already deep into the night and he knew that Noel had shifted and was curled behind him by his white tail wrapped around his body. He then took notice of Fay's heavy breathing and was quick to lift his head off her shoulders thinking he was putting too much weight on her. However, with a loud yelp Noel and Fay's eyes popped open; Noel's for the loud sound of his mate being in pain and Fay for the excruciating wave of pain that washed over her. Alrric was quick to take action as he quickly jumped from the bed and shifted so he could scramble across the floor half-asleep and butt ass naked for the stack of papers the doctor had given them. Noel would've laughed at Alrric's humiliation any other time had it not been for his mate's whines and whimpers that had completely distracted him, 'It hurts! it hurts!' Fay's strained words broke Noel from his paralyzed trance and quickly had him moving next to her to comfort her while Alrric read over the papers. "There's nothing! It says nothing about this!", Alrric was now in full on panic mode which he had only ever been in once before; his parents death. 

His waves of distress and worry were sent throughout the pack and quickly woke them out of their slumbers and into an immediate defense position. Children, mothers and the elderly ran from their homes and into the pack house to take cover while their sons, fathers, husbands, uncles, and warriors separated to defend the territory. Front line Warriors went to the borders and did detailed patrols while some stood guard around the pack house and the rest ran towards their Alpha to help. Behind the warriors headed towards Alrric was Dr. Henderson and two nurses; he had a pretty good idea as to what was happening. Upon arriving at their Alpha's bedroom Dr. Henderson was right their Luna was in labor so he quickly pushed his way through the muscular men, "Move! Move! It's the Luna! She's in labor!" Noel's head swirled so fast towards the doctor as he made his way towards Fay, 'Labor, she'', with that last thought Noel had quickly passed out as he became overwhelmed with emotions. Alrric's mind was running a million miles a minute one of his mates was about to give birth to their pups while the other had gone nearly comatose at the news. 

However, he had no time to act as the nurses very roughly shoved him and Noel out of the room with two pairs of shorts into the hallway with about five warriors who stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do in such a situation. Within an hour Alrric had everything nearly back to normal; everyone who wanted to go back home left, the warriors from patrol and outside the pack house were called back in and told of the circumstance, and lastly Noel had woken up. Both Alrric and Noel had shifted back to their human forms and were taking their turns at pacing back and forth or sitting down with their face dug in their palms. Another few hours had passed before Dr. Henderson wondered out of the room only to be surrounded by Noel and Alrric shooting off questions, "Whoa! Luna is perfectly fine, at first she was freaking out so much her body had wanted to shift back to her human form which would've killed the pups for sure." As Dr. Henderson saw the worried and confused faces of his Alpha and Noel which quickly reminded him that not everyone has his dark sense of humor. Clearing his throat Dr. Henderson continued, "Everything is fine, her wolf took over making her stay in the needed form as she gave birth to two healthy baby boys! Once the nurses are done cleaning and helping Luna to nurse them properly then you can go in and see them. However, I would highly advise that you both be in your wolf forms it seems that since Luna's wolf had taken over she does not take kindly to males being around. Hence, why I'm out here now but I'm sure if you're in your wolf forms then she will easily notice you as her mates." The doctor watched as they both eagerly stripped and shifted before him, "I see you both are in a hurry so I'll get out of the way. If you need me I'll be down in the hospital." Noel and Alrric watched the doctor walk off towards the stairs before turning and sharing a look between each other as they tried to decipher who would go first.

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