Chapter 15

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**A/N: I hit 1K recently, thank you all so much! Please comment and vote as this story progresses!** 

"So I guess you two made up?", Noel's voice whispered over my half-conscious body. "Yea, I opened up a bit. I was scared of not being a good enough father", Alrric's groggy voice answered back before Noel responded again, "Ha! Now come on! You know we love you and for damn sure our pup will to. No matter what we're stuck with ya, so get with the program mate." A sleepy giggle softly left my mouth at the conversation these two were having, "Guess someone's awake. How ya feeling?" Looking up at Alrric I noticed I was still laying on top of his chest, rubbing my eyes to clear my vision I responded, "I feel a bit sore, it's throbbing down there." Blushing at my own honest words I ducked my head back down on Alrric's chest to hide my flaming face. He simply chuckled and began to rub his hand against my lower back, "That's probably because he's still knotted inside you love." My head instantly snapped up at Noel's words to glance back towards our connecting, "O-oh, I guess that would explain it." 

Alrric's laugh floated through the air loudly and rumbled in his chest, "How long have I been out?" Noel crawled closer to Alrric's side before running a hand through my hair, "Hmm, I'd say about five, maybe ten minutes? Not long, I heard your howl down in the kitchen and ran here hoping I would come just in time to join in, but it looks like I was left out again." I laughed softly at the childish pout on his face before reaching forward to bring his face close to mine to whisper in his ear. I made sure to nipple his earlobe teasing him before I spoke, "How about we ditch this loser and go have our own fun?" A grin split on his face as he nodded excitedly, "I like the sound of that!" We both glanced over at Alrric who had an eyebrow raised at us, "Oooh so I'm to be neglected next?" Noel broke out in a fit of laughter at Alrric's tone of voice hitting his hand against the bed as he snorted occasionally, joining in soon we were both in tears. 

Taking deep breaths I wiped my tears only to see a pouting Alrric before me, "Oh dear, only for a little bit." His pout deepened and I actually felt a twinge of guilt in my heart so in an attempt to lighten the mood I began to wiggle my hips on his slowly decreasing knot earning a low groan in response. His hands moved to settle on my lower back where he began to rub soothing circles, "Fine, but if I see it in front of me I'll join and have both your asses." Noel did a high pitched girly giggle before speaking in a Cali girl accent and slapping his hand lightly against Alrric's chest, "Oh Daddy!~" I burst out in a fit of giggles having to grip my stomach as it hurt to breathe, Noel joined me when Alrric just scoffed and rolled his eyes mumbling something under his breath which was more than likely a threat of making him actually moan the words out. Looking back up at Alrric I noticed his eyes were clouded over, he was mind-linking someone or vice versa. Patting at my back he spoke, "Okay babe I got to go,  Alpha duties call. Scott just got released from bed rest tonight and I have to catch him up on some small pack things." 

Pulling my lower lip between my teeth I nibbled nervously remembering the last encounter I had with Scott and how uncomfortable he made me. Simply nodding at him, Alrric pulled my legs up higher against his body, "This might hurt a bit", with those words he suddenly yanked out of me with a 'pop'. I winced a bit at the harsh sting I felt but thankfully his knot was almost gone so it wasn't as painful. Climbing off him I immediately settled myself in Noel's outstretched arms leaning my back against his chest with my legs between his. Noel's left arm wrapped around my waist while his other hand decided to play with my nipple, I arched into his hand with a soft moan while we both leaned against the headboard and watched as Alrric quickly moved about the room. He had went into the bathroom to finish up his knot and clean himself before throwing on clothes; a pair of grey sweatpants and a black shirt that seemed to cling to his abs. "Damn", Noel and I said in unison as we took in the sight of his flexing muscles as he strode towards the door. Before walking out of the bedroom door he turned to glance back at us with the cockiest smirk on his smug chiseled face and with a simple chuckle he turned and left. 

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