Chapter 12

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**A/N: I seemed to of fixed my technical difficulties and to prevent further ones from occurring I have saved all chapters in a document for a back up. I apologize for any inconvenience. The above picture is pretty self explanatory lol.**

Before my eyes opened I could feel it; my stomach was tightening up and constricting in on itself. My eyes popped open as I felt my stomach lurch forward trying to hurl it's contents out of my body. My hands immediately flew to my mouth to hold it in as I stumbled and rushed to the bathroom. Thankfully the toilet lid was up as I spilled my guts into it. My shaking hands gripped tightly to the sides of the toilet as another gush of acid and food left my mouth. A pair of hands softly grabbed my hair and held it back, "Oh baby." Alrric's voice was soft as he crouched beside me, holding my hair in one hand, his other went to rubbing soothing circles on my lower back. I was given some relief between the hurling to mumble out a thank you between my panted breaths. 

"Do you want me to get medicine or the doctor Alrric?", Noel stood behind me with concern in his eyes. Alrric sighed glancing back at me as I pleaded for him not to with my eyes. I just wanted to go back to sleep, "Yea, tell him we'll be down there and to be ready." Noel followed his directions as I groaned feeling another wave overtake me except this time my body had nothing to give. "Wait here, I'll be right back okay?", I managed to do a small nod as my eyes pricked with tears at the pain of my organs constricting. Just as quickly as he left, he was back holding a damp towel, a small bowl, plastic cup, and a fuzzy blanket. He wrapped the fuzzy blanket around me, before walking over to the sink and filling the plastic cup up with water, "Rinse out your mouth, then we'll go see the doc to see if he can do something." I did as he said grateful that my mouth didn't have that strong acidic smell anymore.

Alrric picked my wrapped sweating form up bridal style before placing the cool towel against my forehead, "Now hold the bowl in case you need to puke." He kissed the top of my head as he handed me the bowl before walking out of the room and in the direction of the doctor's ward. As we walked through the hallways we passed where Scott was staying and goosebumps rose on my skin. I was still creeped out about his behavior but right now it wasn't my number one pressing concern. Walking down the steps to the basement level which was made to the hospital ward, Noel stood waiting for us in front of one of the examination rooms, "He's already in here." Simply nodding Alrric walked into the room where the doctor stood looking at papers on his clipboard which was more than likely my health record. It was the same doctor that had answered all those questions for Noel before my heat. 

His strawberry-blonde hair was buzzed on the sides but longer and styled on the top. His dark brown eyes glanced up at me through thick rimmed glasses, he straightened his lean 5'11" build before he spoke, "What seems to be the problem Luna?" To this Alrric answered, "She puked this morning the moment she woke up and she's breaking out in sweats." The doctor nodded and scribbled on his papers, "Okay, I'll do a basic check up and then a urine and blood sample for testing." Alrric laid me down on the paper covered 'bed', the doctor walked towards a small table grabbing the supplies he needed. When he turned towards me his name tag caught the light, it said 'Dr. Henderson', i'll have to keep note of that. After the doc checked my heart rate, blood pressure, eyes, ears, etc. he began to take the blood sample. 

I winced as I felt the needle break through my skin thankfully it was over in no time. "Okay, so that's all for now. I just need you to go into the bathroom out here and try to take a urine sample.", I nodded as he handed me the cup, I removed the damp towel from my forehead and placed the bowl down. I un-wrapped the blanket and stood on slightly shaky legs as I swayed towards the bathroom out in the ward. Once finished, I opened the bathroom door to find Noel standing there with the blanket open. I let him wrap it around my body before walking back in the room and handing it to the doctor. "Thanks Luna. I'll go and have this tested it will only take about 20 minutes. Are you willing to wait here?", Noel quickly agreed and helped me onto the small 'bed' again. Parting my lips I licked them before speaking, "C-can you guys get Grandma?"

Alrric nodded before his eyes seemed to cloud over while he mind-linked her, "She's on her way." I smiled up at him in thanks and he leaned down and kissed my cheek. "Do you feel any better now?", I nodded toward Noel's question. "Yea, I don't need to puke anymore but I am drowsy", he nodded and grabbed my hand rubbing circles on it. The door to the small examination room creaked open before my Grandma stepped in, "How ya holding up honey?" I laughed lightly before responding, "I'm feeling a bit better. Dr. Henderson should be back soon with the test." She looked at me confused before I explained he took blood and urine samples. Nodding she came and sat at the foot of my bed, rubbing gentle reassuring circles on my calf. 

Time had passed by slowly as we made small talk and joked while waiting. Soon the door opened with a light knock before Dr. Henderson walked in with his clipboard. He cleared his throat a bit before glancing down at the papers in his hand, "Well..", he looked back up and met all of our eyes before continuing, "Luna you're pregnant!" Noel's face turned towards me, his eyes were wide and bright as the biggest goofiest grin I've ever seen nearly split his face in two, "Oh my Goddess! I'm a dad!" He squeezed my hand tightly before leaning over the bed to push a rigid Alrric, "You're a dad!" Noel's excitement was so cute and honestly I wanted to pepper his face in kisses but before I could do so he walked to my Grandma and hugged her, "WE'RE DADS!" I broke out in a fit of giggles as the doctor looked ready to double over with tears in his eyes as he laughed. 

"Yes deary, I know now stop squeezing me before I break something", Noel quickly let go as he stuttered out an apology. I glanced towards Alrric who had stayed silent the whole time; his face was as white as a ghost, his lips were parted and trembling as his wide teary eyes slowly moved to look down at me. I had never seen him look this way, he was always stoic and arrogant but now he looked terrified. My mind began to race; what if he didn't want me now? What if he didn't want our pup? Would he reject me? Tears swelled in my eyes ready to bust as I reached a trembling hand towards his arm, "A-Alrric..?" His body jerked harshly away from my touch and that's when I lost it. My vision blurred as blobs of tears rolled down my face, no words or sounds came out as I curled my shaking body in a ball on the bed. He didn't want me, didn't want us anymore. 

Noel was quickly by my side comforting me as he glared daggers at Alrric. "What the fuck is your problem?", I gasped out in shock I haven't heard Grandma use that tone or that language in all my life. She stood and walked towards him, every step she took forward Alrric took back. "Huh? Nothing to say for yourself Alpha?", by this point she had backed him in a corner with her finger pointed up in his face. Her face was scrunched up in disgust, "We need to talk. Out in the hallway, now!" I shook harder in Noel's arms scared of what Alrric might do, but Grandma's eyes showed that she was serious and not backing down. She turned and stormed out, the door banging against the wall echoed in the small room as Alrric walked out on shaky legs. I glanced at the doctor who just stood there with wide eyes and a rigid body, "Damn...", was the only word spoken from him as he turned to look at me. 

**A/N: So I changed the cover for the story, what do you guys think? Let me know!**

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