Chapter 26

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**A/N: Up above is a picture of Noel with Solvi and Alrric with Drek. Please let me know if there is any grammatical or punctuation errors in this chapter as I did not edit it besides a quick read through.**

"Faaay~!", Noel sauntered into the room holding a tray with a large plate that contained grapes, bacon, orange juice and her absolute favorite a sunny-side up fried egg in a grilled cheese sandwich. "Good morning, love", Noel sat softly on the side of the bed and placed the tray gently over Fay's rising body. Fay rubbed at her eyes roughly and had to blink a few times before her eyes caught up with her other senses. A small smile cracked her face but it soon faltered as she realized the pups were gone but before she could question what had happened Noel cut her off, "It's okay, Alrric took the pups back out to the garden to get them more accustomed to their surroundings." As her mind processed what he had told her, Fay nodded and moved to grab the orange juice to quench her dry mouth; she must have been snoring. Noel moved from the bed and into the bathroom where he started a warm bath with vanilla scented bubbles for the next part of his plan, "When you're done eating love, let's take a bubble bath together." Noel heard her hum in response as Fay continued to scarf down her breakfast.

When Fay had finished her breakfast, Noel had moved quickly to pick it up for her and move it out of the way as he helped Fay make her way groggily to the bathroom. As Fay entered the bathroom she saw a small amount of candles lit generously around the tub and fresh towels folded on the small rack beside it. "Noel, this is so...", Fay was at a lost for words but she knew how to show it with her actions so she quickly turned and tippy-toed herself up to his height to plant a hard kiss on his lips. As she pulled away Noel chuckled and dimmed the lights before laying a hand on the small of his mate's back to lead her towards the tub where they both undressed and slid into the relaxing water. A sigh left Fay's lips as she sunk back further into Noel's chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist where they sat in comfortable silence. Noah had begun to hum softly behind her as his fingers danced down to her thigh where they drew intricate swivels and patterns on his mate's legs. Fay felt as he shifted behind her to place soft kisses up from her shoulder to behind her ear where he spoke in a voice that made Fay's stomach turn with desire, "Love, it's my turn to have you now."

Noel was pleased to see his mate moan in her throat as she exposed more of her neck to him tempting him further. His lips grazed over Alrric's mark and knowing how it effected her had extended his canines only to drag them softly against her wet flesh. "Noe-", he was quick to shush her as he moved his hand down her tights towards what he wanted most. A soft growl left him and rumbled in the thick air between them as he felt her warmth against his hand, "Open them." Fay's heart beat had picked up and now thumped loudly against her ribs as she followed his order and spread her legs. Her hips jerked at his intrusive touch as he was quick to slip a finger inside her tight cavern. Fay could feel his length harden against her back making a shiver rub down her spine at the thought of him stretching her around him.

As though reading her mind, Noel's hands gripped her hips and lifted her body up and back so that his manhood slid between her folds. Fay couldn't help the frustrated whine that came out of her at him only sliding in between her lips and not stretching her now throbbing core. "Please....", her hips worked her wetness up and down along his thick shaft in an attempt to rile him so she could achieve what she wanted, "I want you!" Noel growled deep against her back as he fought with himself over what he wanted to do; tease her more or fulfill both of their desires now? Fay threw her head back with an agitated growl at her mate as she lifted herself up and moved to slid his length within her. Noel groaned out as Fay's wetness engulfed him entirely making his hands squeeze tightly to hold onto her hips so he could hold her in place to savor the feeling of being deep within her. This moment did not last very long as Fay moved her hips up against his constricting hold in her own guilty need, ""

Noel's self control had snapped and he was quick to lift his mate's hips halfway off him so he could slam into her as hard and deep as his hips let him in the given position. His eyes shifted back and forth between him and his wolf as he tried to stay in control as he continued to plunge himself into his mate making the water slosh and soak the floor. Fay's breath was caught in her throat allowing only whines to be heard as her body shook with the explosive pleasure she was feeling. "AH, ohh-nmhn!", her eyes had rolled back in her head as she panted over top of her mate as her entire being quivered as she milked her orgasm around her mate who quickly followed suit by pushing him length in as deep as possible. Fay's legs gave way under her making her fall back onto Noel's chest with a splash of the water and there they laid in panting silence as they tried to gather their breaths. Noel had regained the most of his sanity and numbly took in the state of the bathroom; several candles had fallen into the water and the towels were now soaked along with the floor making him audibly groan out at the thought of cleaning it all up. Fay giggled slightly hoarsely against her mate's damp chest as she too note of the bathroom, "Well, look what we've done."

Once able to move they both cleaned themselves and then the bathroom before heading out to dry off and get dressed. "Come on, let's go check on Alrric and the pups", Fay followed Noel's lead down to the garden where neither her mate or pups was seen. Panic rose in her as the wind blew by rustling leaves in its wake but bringing no scent of her family, "Noel, where are they?!" Noel glanced at his worried mate and tried to hid the nerves that were eating away at him as well, "It's okay maybe they went on a walk. Let's shift and find them." With no resistance Fay followed her mate's lead and shifted with him to begin a search. In their other forms their heightened senses caught onto an old scent that trailed into the woods making unease settled deep in Fay's stomach, 'Alrric? Can you hear me? Where are you and the pups?' With no answer Noel began to try as well and when that did not work the both of them moved from a fast-paced trot to a full-blown run as they tried to follow the fading scent.

As they broke through a bush they caught sight of their mate and pups who were curled peacefully in sleep under a large rock's ledge. Noel was quick to wake and move the pups to a safe distance away from no doubt argument that was soon to occur. Fay stormed over in rage to her now slowly waking mate; teeth bared, growling, and hair stood on end was the first image Alrric woke up to. 'What the fuck is wrong with you! You weren't in the garden, you didn't let anyone know and for Goddess's sake you brought the pups HERE?!', Alrric blinked a few times as his mind raced to comprehend what his mate was yelling at him for. 'What? I told Noel where we were going', Fay turned on Noel who was now shrinking back away from his angered mate, 'It's not my fault! We were pre-occupied! I-I wasn't listening!' Fay shook her fur out in anger as she huffed and began to pace, 'I about lost my mind over the thought of the pups and you being gone.' Noel carefully moved forward towards his mate with ears flat and tail between his legs, 'I know love, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you.'

Noel licked out at Fay's chin and was relieved when she moved to rub her head under his own in acceptance, 'I know, we just need to be more careful. I don't want to have a scare like this again. So that means there's only one thing left to do.' Alrric and Noel shared a look between each other before looking back at Fay who proposed what she thought was a fool-proof plan, 'No more sex. Well... at least not with me till the pups are old enough.' Fay watched slightly amused as both her mates eyes widened as they looked dumbfounded between each other. Not letting them have a chance to try and convince her otherwise, Fay moved around Noel and made her way to the pups who were sluggishly playing with one another. When Fay reached them she sniffed them over and picked Solvi up between her teeth before mind linking to Drek, 'Come on. Let's head home.' Alrric and Noel watched on as their mate walked away from them through the woods with tail held high as Drek stumbled after her trying to catch up. With a final glance between each other they to stood and trudged home as they thought of ways to get out of the mess they had dug themselves into.

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